Whiskered Sot

I don’t know - the other day I checked The Isle out of the library and, gah, the things people do with fish hooks in that movie... I didn’t need to see that.

The “Are You Fat?” commercial still slays. “When you go jogging do you leave potholes? Do you look at a menu and say, okay?”

This soundtrack was the first time I heard of him and twelve-year-old me thought he rocked so hard.

Me and some friends went to see this when we were 12-13 years old and to this day whenever we comment on something odd we add, “and what’s with the midget?”

Kinja wouldn’t load on my phone or tablet all day. Tell me again why it doesn’t suck?

He sucks forever for Bomb Bomb Iran.

Tom Hardy should’ve been the one to take home the Oscar.

No mention of Satisfaction, her failed bid to follow Michael J. Fox to movie stardom.

I disagree. He's not even the douchiest blogger on this site.

I disagree. He's not even the douchiest blogger on this site.

Bye bye life

Bye bye life

Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera
Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera

A woman on my commute needs something like it. She's always playing with her hair, putting it behind her ear then running her fingers through it then putting it back behind her ear then running her fingers through it again. She's got some kind of tic.

When did Deadwood migrate north?

Always wong, never white.

Because the next afternoon, while I was still coming down, me and a buddy went to like a 4:00 show and the elevator sequence freaked me out, man. It was awesome.

Yeah, after the election I stopped caring. G'head, build a pipeline through a nursery, I don't give a goddam anymore about a country that elected this ugly disgusting pig.

She's a diabolical genius yes she is - what a President someone like that would be!

Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera