Whiskered Sot

As long as they're not doing anything public on Monday the Eleventh.

They're an oddly designed make in my experience. Good thing I'm not a lesbian.

I've been anticipating Labor Day weekend since early July. It's gonna be an awesome Party of Me.

I haven't tripped since Speed was in theaters but I had a blast then. The purple waves in the pool, the Wise Potato Chip Owl hovering above it, the Phantasm ball in the air….the tree branches spoke to me, man. Never had a bad trip, maybe 'cause whenever I'm on something and see or experience something that might turn

Holiday weekend next week for that extra day of recovery!

Doing certain drugs alone is a helluva Me Party.

I didn't much care for it the two times I did it. Made me too overly self aware or something.

A friend once borrowed a Subara hatchback from another friend. What's up with the seats? So uncomfortable.

Cheerios comes in Pumpkin Spice now but I haven't tried it yet - I already have enough cereal in my pantry right now.

Can the AVC Video stop being on every page I open then?

Yeah, I won't watch video when I'm at work, and at home I play music when online.

I've been feeling the kinjapocalypse will be like the final scenes of the movie Last Night and that I ought to be playing "Guantanamera" on repeat.

We've all seen Wild Things, yes.


That car she bought wasn't gonna pay for itself!

The Nightmare on Elm Street one is a lot better.

I know….I was a virgin when I graduated high school. Sure made up for it in my twenties!

Is that the same graveyard Princess Doe was found in?

As if the city has alleys like that. That's always the tipoff that New York isn't playing itself.

Barsanti don't do spoiler alerts. Remember this abomination?