Whiskered Sot

My favorite commentary track is Tarantino's for True Romance. Dude's an entertaining listen.

Renny Harlin's camerawork is outstanding.

Aloha jokes, how I'll miss you.

Black Christmas is not this nation’s or any other kind of greatest horror movie.

The director, whose name is Pitof, was probably issued with two names at birth and would be wise to use the other one on his next project.

I was surprised they got Branagh to do one.

Eeeew, the battle scenes will look like an L7 concert.

What if they hire another woman? I say let's give Elaine May another shot.

It's not even the best one this week. Did you miss yesterday's about Mike D?

Thems really are stubby fingers.

At least now and forever when Republicans call their party the party of family values we can all laugh in their faces.

Oh my, Malibu Express. Kid me pretended to like all the titties but I really was into Darby Hinton and his skimpy red swimming trunks.

Pretty sure she's got her own key.

All the problems with iPhones/Pads I've had make me want to switch to something else. But what about my iTunes? Are other brands compatible? Or will I have to tranfer my 30,000+ mp3s to a different media player?

Maybe it's because "white" isn't an ethnicity.

I dated a Republican, briefly. He had the smallest dick I've ever seen, srsly.

I need to see that again now that Jonathan Penner is a three-time Survivor loser. It's probably his biggest part in a movie, at least the ones I've seen.

I downloaded a bunch of Queen albums. I like Hot Space! Where has "Calling All Girls" been my whole life?

I had the His Boy Elroy album. It was…maybe somewhat okay at times? It certainly didn't inflame me with hatred.

Hated it!