Whiskered Sot

It wasn't particularly well-written - it's got maybe the worst developed lead character since Cruising.


Another right-wing douche with terrible hair. What's with that?

Whoever came up with "Listen all y’all, it’s a Sauvignon" wins the internet today.

I've been wondering if it was still on. Last I watched was an episode or two of the Junior season.

Don Sutton! There's a name I haven't heard in forever.

Aw, I like "Kitty."

Eh, it's not so bad.

Pratt was in Moneyball. And Zero Dark Thirty has its admirers.

But the bathroom door is three steps from my bedroom door. It's not as if I'm going downstairs to the kitchen wearing nothing but a jock strap.

Chris Klein was really good in Election - whatever happened to him?

Chris Daugherty looked scruffy hot when his beard grew in while on Vanuatu.

He was great in Kevin Smith's best movie.

True dat. If any of the others have topped this pic, I haven't see it.

He's still in movie jail for Corky Romano as far as I'm concerned.

*Chris Meloni finds solace in my loving arms*

Chris Pratt and I were briefly an item around the time of The Five-Year Engagement but ultimately it didn't work out between us, you know how these things go.

Ha! I just noticed "nothing" is wrong. Isn't that ironic.

I don't have overnight guests. I'm terrible to sleep with. (I mean literally; I'm one hell of a lover - generous, energetic, talented.) I sleep diagonal, hog the sheets, toss and turn, snore, fart, drool…have restless leg syndrome…stroke myself in the middle of the night.

This reminds me of when Ramona Quimby wanted her father to quit smoking so she made a No Smoking sign but had to cut it a weird way so it read NOSMO KING and her dad was like, who is this Mr. King guy?