
The problem with Kinja is the lack of an anti-star.

is that a chain around his neck, or just some fine-glistening neck sweat?

I feel like after watching this my phone will ring and I’ll have seven days left to live.

I barfed

Because he was one of the people who truly realized how minuscule and insignificant our entire existence is.

Two words: Flat Earthers.

Because he knew only the dead can know peace from the evil of men.

Because video game life is real.

as soon as i heard this i couldnt help but think it was depply upfortunate timing

Yeah and with the gays marrying the gays, the marijuanas for everyone and us allowing trannies attack our children in bathrooms, it’s only going to get worse.

Sad thing is, people actually think like that.

Listen, if you don’t want to buy your bombs off the rack like some kind of prole, you’d better get to know some bomb designers.

Nah, Holly was a hoe who is trying to make the mansion look bad although she knew exactly what she was doing....effing an old guy for money.

Yes and look at the bankrupt city now. Place is a massive crack haven /s