
I’ve said this before, but:

Especially when you consider that Sam Tarly basically has to get a PhD before the show ends in order to be of any use to anyone.

Eh. If he’s a real Targaryen, he’ll marry his own sister.

But remember: Daneyris had a vision where she was in the throne room, only the roof of the building had been torn off, and snow was falling through the giant hole, suggesting that she’ll get her wish to sit on the Iron Throne, but that it might be a pyrrhic victory.

Essos, obvs.


That’s a very tough call. The answer is Moby.

Elgort looks wayyyyyy too much like Justin Whalen for this to not be a mistake.

You will be pelted with stars.

“Oh Ganja-Church” scans so much better.

You never know. He’s a very well known germaphobe, and refuses to shake hands with people because of it. So, refusing to let someone touch your dick without a glove...I don’t know. But then...the other part of the story features no-condom rape, so I don’t know.

You mean like the guy who forged those memos about W during the 2004 election, or the Swiftboaters?

I read your comment without looking at your username, and for about thirty seconds wanted to know what sort of adjectival condition being “Chalupa Batman” might be.

It looks like the photo is composited together from two different heads.

Is there an Under Siege 3, where he and Vladimir Putin save the world by shooting lots of guns and banging underage prostitutes? Because that’s what he’s into now, I hear. (And by that, I mean guns, Putin, and sex trafficking.)

You like that “Uma Thurman” song? Because that is the worst of the worst.

Can you use google to learn how not to be a condescending dick?

It was the whale’s backup gun.

Why is that ID so obviously fake?

Do you see that man over there, Kyle? That’s Lars Ulrich.