
Thank you for posting this. I hate seeing people flip out over one really good or really bad poll. The average is what matters and Clinton is markedly ahead. Unfortunately, this is the best metric we have until we start getting consistent polling of the individual battleground states.

I was going to say, yesterday I read Clinton was pulling ahead by larger margins.

In visual form, and with an equivalent shrug:


“There’s nothing scarier than waking up in the middle of Game of Thrones world, naked, with everyone standing over you, and thinking, Oh my God, I’ve died and I’ve actually ended up in Westeros.

It’s code for “PS this is a place outside New York City”.

I don’t know why I’m ever surprised to find out that white people in 2016 think that non-white people, especially Black people, are simply handed things for being their race. Here are the things that I am supposed to get for being Black:

🌟 Bonus star for “footstools.”

That’s the one. That’s why literally every tenured professor, as well as every student, at Harvard is a bilingual undocumented queer woman of color, and White men are only allowed on the premises as security guards and footstools.

Meanwhile, humanity is working diligently to make Earth more Venus-like.

It once was even more Earth Like? Why do you report articles like this George? Do you want more Elon Musks? Because this is how you get Elons!

Olenna to the Sand Snakes: “Please no more talking, speaking for the audience here.”

I live in Louisiana and my biggest pet peeve is that movies and TV shows seem to do absolutely no research on name pronunciation for places or people down here.

The Virginia Beach - 6 miles sign in Deep Impact... which seems to be firmly in the foothills of the mountains. Virginia doesn’t work like that... 6 miles from Virginia Beach you’re not even past Norfolk or through the tunnel. You’re also in a pretty heavily built up area too.

That English people are intelligent, sophisticated and cultural. We are now the laughing stock of the world. Look how fucking stupid we are! Laugh, laugh at our idiocy as we choose to abandon the basis of our economy because of populist, xenophobic, Murdoch controlled politics!

When I make my own, much better adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire for tv it will of course not have any props. All real weapons, all real armies. No prop violence; every decapitation, amputation, and stabbing will be real. The actress for Catelyn Tully will literally be killed and then brought back to life with

What happens if you have the good fortune to be on the slide when the BIG one hits?

That was such a nom sequitur.

I think the last time I enjoyed food this much was probably Christmas Day 2012, which, incidentally, is the same day I ordered a bucket of chicken from Popeyes after taking two hits of acid.

I’m so tempted to call bull simply on the fact that I don’t know anyone under the age of 60 who uses the phrase “dogcatcher” when discussing politics or such.