
Yeah, I heard that and all of a sudden I got the weirdest boner.

No Best Picture winner will ever be worse than Slumdog Millionaire.

Homer: Aww. I’m the only one who didn’t win an award.

They say time is the fire in which we burn.

Edge of space =/ space.

Or the recent episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. Obama was about a dozen times funnier than Seinfeld.

At least his name isn’t Jerk Sock.

Or actually get into space.

Really? I thought he was terrible.

2016 is sure out to prove that it can suck worse than 2015.

1.) He went full retard in Grape. Never go full retard.

Probably they’ve seen footage of Trump and Kim Jong Un, and are simply working out the most cost-efficient way of killing us all.

It’s like they consistently fail to take into account how vanishingly small a time we’ve been here, and actually been aware of the universe around us.

In peace, vigilance.

I actually googled “Pawnee, IN town seal” to make sure this wasn’t some kind of joke.

If you don’t wanna know, don’t ask.

True. But very sad, too.

+1 for realism

It’s like my performance piece, Where’s CarlsJR murders a hobo, where I murder a hobo to make a statement about homelessness.

Three words: Pornhub premium subscription.