
Did any of that focus group actually BUY that model?

Like the 602/Li’l Hustler?

I’d counter with it being in competition with every “mid-sized” pickup, and will be attractive to the portion of the market that begrudgingly purchased or is planning to purchase a Taco/Colorado/Ranger/etc because they are the smallest trucks they can get. Honestly, I still think this truck is too big, but I’ll

So it’ll steal sales from the Ranger, but there’s no real demand for it? The Ridgeline is significantly more expensive than this will be. They’re betting it will create new sales that otherwise were priced out of the new pickup market. So nominal used car buyers.

yea well it’s still uggo

He’s the absolute moral authority.

Most of these people only recognize the name Robert E Lee from old Dukes of Hazard reruns.

Things to add to the list of things never explicitly condemned by Jesus: cannibalism, pedophilia, necrophilia, socialism, communism.

Just so we’re clear for this woman, I think we can all pretty much agree that we also want to rename all high schools named for any African tribal chiefs who sold slaves, right? It’s only fair. Lemme get that list . . . oh, huh.

You’d think that if any generation understood communism, then it would be the boomers-since they lived most of their lives under the threat of it, but they were just too self centered and wilfully ignorant to ever bother to learn. Fuck boomers.

Nah, fuck that.  That was not the time or situation for that bullshit.

Time and place though. Probably better to wait until after the active shooter is dealt with to be a pain in their asses.

Filming is not whipping out a gun, or exerting force over others. It’s no different from watching something with your own eyes, and then being insensitive in how you describe it to other people. Guy sounds like a douche bag, but recklessly filming victims of a crime may be insensitive, but it’s not criminal.

He also showed incredible disrespect to the police, swearing at them, dropping the “f” word whenever they tried to move him along, saying he was a “journalist” but having no credentials to show, trying to sensationalize things, potentially revealing tactics and locations of the police. If, indeed, the guy with the gun

I also think the dark adage “1 death is a tragedy, 100k deaths is a statistic” comes into play in these situations as well.

An entire generation watched 9/11 live, and it fucked us up.

Pretty obvious its for people who want an off-roader that doesn’t get shit mileage.

The average American’s commute is 16 miles. My commute certainly falls in line with that. I could drive this to work, charge it there, drive it home, charge it there. On a long trip, it’s just another Jeep. On my daily commute that

Jesus, STOP WITH THE PREQUELS. This is a rich, diverse, expansive universe, show us some more of it!!! (and yes, this is my semi-regular spot where I once again pitch Arya Stark Sailin’ & Fightin’ ‘round the World. And yes I know that’s what the Sea Snake show could be, but I don’t want it mixed in with a bunch of “so

Can we talk about how these latest Soros Crisis Actor checks barely cover membership dues in the Crisis Actor’s Guild?

Did we need three whole glorified deleted scenes of boring space invader Steppenwolf (Ciarán Hinds, unrecognizable in voice and appearance) teleconferencing his progress to a flunky of future franchise heavy Darkseid?”