

Yes, if you can find a few bad actors infiltrating a real, justified movement it reduces them down to being equal with a group who believes Donald Trump is a messenger of God sent to stop Tom Hanks from fulfilling his deal with Satan to rape babies in a pizza parlor’s basement. You got us.

So do you ever come back to address your one-note bullshit, or do you just fire these posts off on the shitter in the morning?

Fuck off.

yes, all beliefs are the same. you’re smarter than EVERYONE.


See, the difference there was, George Floyd actually died with a policeman’s knee on his neck, even if you don’t believe that this was the full cause of his death.

Aww, is someone mad that a TV show called out their bullshit beliefs? How adorable.

Probably a case of Kinja not taking the advise of the software engineers...

Those two dudes essentially playing “Ookie Mouth” and the return of Mr. Hat definitely hit the nostalgia notes for me. And honestly, I kind of liked the “Broship” plot, because it once again shows the kids acting way more smart and mature than the adults in town. Also, given how committed they are to Kenny’s continued

back when the government had enough principles to aggressively punish entities that punished whistle blowers in the way most likely to leave a mark--their revenues.  Reminds me of when Congress actually voted based on what they thought was best for the country, and not necessarily strictly along party lines.

This deserves amplification. Too much store is set on careers and appearances and nowhere near enough on ethics and integrity. I hold up Vindman as a frikkin hero, one who had the hellaciously bad luck to be a man of loyalty and integrity faced against an administration that valued neither. I hope he’s doing well, he

On a MUCH smaller scale, i understand this man on a deep level.

Average driving route? 20.8 miles

Now playing

Your article glosses over McDonald’s demotion. When word of McDonald’s demotion reached Congressman Ed Markey’s desk, the government came down on Thiokol like a goddamn anvil. He introduced a joint resolution to end all government contracts with Thiokol. The firm quickly reversed course on McDonald’s career.

An often overlooked feature of Girl Scout Cookie rankings is value. Samoas and Tagalongs are great, but you only get 15 in those trays. Whereas Thin Mints come in sleeves and give you almost double that amount.

6.) Put bowls of lemons everywhere.

They are prosperity Christians. They believe that they are entitled to rule the world.

Fake churchy, homophobe adjacent shiplap, open concept house with literally no walls that have destroyed the local Waco economy and home market for residents.