I’m a teacher and I’m still waiting for the iPad to revolutionize education.
I’m a teacher and I’m still waiting for the iPad to revolutionize education.
I didn’t even think about that fact that these people must have garages too. That takes the insanity of people paying for off site parking and commuting to their own cars daily to an entirely new level.
How did these become so ubiquitous in the States.
$90 million that could be used for much better purposes to make the world a better place.
Thats not the same as saying “you can beat the crap out of them and not have to fix them”
Living in a rural area, everybody raves about Starlink, because it’s infinitely better than the old satellite internet that was available from companies like Hughesnet.
Saw one in the Costco parking lot yesterday. They look so much worse in person.
Nope. Those companies will push excess inventory out to their dealers-which is typically what happens when supply outpaces demand. But you’re probably a Musk fanboi and just wanna whine.
This is why it’s reassuring that California requires EV manufacturers to warranty the battery for 10 years, which is how David Tracy replaced the battery in his cheap i3 battery for a brand new one
join the real world? You are telling me that a company the size of Tesla is not able to properly contact and inform the laid-off workers to let them know that they are being let go? Even if it takes an extra day or two?
come on now. Get your head out of your ass.
Yeah, sure, stopping them at the door is a much better option. It’s a shame we don’t have any way to communicate to all the workers being fired. We will have to wait for musk to invent some sort of electronic mail. Let’s call it “Hypermail”. I’m sure you and others will continue to fellate the fucker.
You forgot “utterly incompetent in everything he does”.
He can’t even fire people with even the vaguest sense of competence. Just constant chaos, the hallmark of a drug-addled fascist lunatic who doesn’t consider other people to be actual human beings.
Republicans are about ready nominate a rapist for president.
Every time I hear his name I think, Rob Schneider is.. a Stapler.
To make you angry.
The original tax credit was to essentially make EVs cheaper while automakers scaled up production and brought production costs down to jumpstart the EV market. The the IRA pull the rug out from under them just as they were getting started in earnest. All in the name of saving maybe some jobs related to battery…
Yeah and we shouldn’t subsidize oil, corn, eggs, etc. etc.
When I lived just outside Atlanta (Cobb County) there really was this ridiculous notion of social climbing and HAVING to keep up with the Jones. Or I guess you end up in Real Housewife purgatory? I knew women who made under $20/hour insist they had to have a Lexus SUV because otherwise the other moms would mock them.…