
What about retirement?

IRS rate is a benchmark. It is relevant. 

Exactly. Now I’m getting swarmed by the “Don’t be a victim blamer” squad, who seem hell-bent on ignoring the fact that Shia LaBeouf is not an unknown quantity. He has a public record available to anyone with the common sense to look him up first.

I think both of you are really being unfair in this situation. FKA Twigs starred with Shia in the movie about this abusive childhood and alcoholism. She probably thought he has overcome his demons and was involved in this very intense movie. I’m sure they bonded very quickly and deeply than normal while making the film

1100 people really isn’t small. You’re comparing them to a publisher that houses several studios and puts out around a dozen games every year, several of which are big open worlds. CDPR is bigger than Rockstar North and Bethesda Game Studios combined. They’re not the little engine that could.

I think you underestimate the degree to which people will complain about anything.

Yep, it’s why I said goodbye to IGN several years ago. I still follow my favorite people (Greg Miller, Brian, Altano, Naomi Kyle, etc.) on Twitter but I can’t bring myself to actually go to the site because the comment section makes me lose all hope in humanity.

If you want to take the cynical (but not necessarily untrue) route, sure.

Yeah dude. Once somebody even says SJW I realize that the convo is worthless. 

I think you’re underestimating the level of desperation among the lower income segment of the population. I sold my house earlier this year and had to clear out a bunch of similar project flotsam; nowhere near as much as David had, but enough to fill up a big storage tub plus a few extra pieces in the bed. Plenty of

Same. It is unfailingly toxic. Gamergate broke all of my faith in the community at large. 

Despite this experience, Zinda continues to stream and still thinks of the gaming industry as being a good and transformative place for her and others.

Why, the fuck, does every one of these sorts of things end in death threats?!  WTF is wrong with people.  

The only way any of the last four years makes sense is that they literally put in mind control bugs in closed door meetings

They do get punched in the head. A lot.

Literally every MMA fighter seems to be dumb as fuck.

Uh, have you not seen her Twitter? Saying Democrats are blind with a picture of masks over their eyes. Inviting her followers to got to Parler instead where there’s real free speech. Last year she made a joke about trans people but walked at back as people misunderstanding her. Her recent Twitter shows nobody was