Yeah...that’s pretty Cage right there.
Yeah...that’s pretty Cage right there.
This is unnecessary in a world with Path of Exile in it.
It’s the reason why employers push so hard and fudge the numbers up so high.
I don’t think I will ever get this high off of Schadenfreude for the rest of my days.
Yeah, that stance makes it hard to listen any further. I get the sentiment, but
2021: The year we just fucking caught up
And Suckees too, apparently.
Forge VTT > Roll20
Anthem was just the back-way into more Mass Effect. Now that we have more of that coming, it can finally let go and rest.
Reason #3812 why Ma Fratelli was right.
Excuse me while I unpucker....
Just nationalize them already.
Fireball is always the correct answer.
I don’t think I like your tone...
The Aliens universe is filled with tons of novels and graphic novels. Indeed, the aliens have been to earth and then some at least once in current canon. Mostly goofy military sci-fi, there’s some gems to be picked out of there.
They mostly come out at night...mostly.
“Because it’s the only game in town” comes to mind.
‘Cuz Florida and also cops. Any excuse to draw a service weapon is a good one. I’m genuinely surprised the SWAT team wasn’t on standby outside.
Boba has 99 problems and the Sarlacc was like 9 of them.