
Meh. The auto-industry has more sordid incest in it than a GoT marathon.

As a Union member who gave up 2 COLAs and another 10% besides to keep layoffs to only 30% not too long ago.

I blame the Academy.

Getting hard to understand what it is saying with that mouthful of self it’s got goin on there.

Some people just get SO angry when people like stuff they don’t. It sucks, but it is what it is.

Ah! Got visually scarred by the nightmare image right above it!

By sheer dumb luck Stanley found a comment in a blog post referencing what he now knew to be the video game that was his life. That thought was rapidly followed by how to collect points, what the points would be for, and whether or not there was a princess waiting for him at the end of all this.

This week I’ve been watching Ken Burns Vietnam.

Now playing

There’s only one reason to watch any more of these...

Not many happy employees there, even at the best of times.

Wait - Infiniti is still around?

Hanks is cool.

Did it take you two and a half years to come up with that, or did you have help?

Did it take you nearly 3 years to compose that wet fart, or did you have help?

Not this guy!

Simple assault = citation $150 fine and at worst and night or two in jail.

Fair enough.

Did it take you almost 3 years to come up with this, or did you just wake up and decide to comment on a nearly 3 year article?

You are 3 years late and making little to no sense.