You sir, will have to pry my orange-pineapple-carrot juice out of my cold, dead, hands.
A gallon a day is ridiculous in most of the civilized world.
This lost gem should be one of the top 10 or 20 nintendo games of all time.
Funniest fucking scene in a movie ever.
In case you missed it - I didn’t dismiss your comment. I disagreed, but chose to let you have your opinion. It’s easy - you just let people like things.
Hypernet is a scam. Traffic is already down almost 70% according to the unofficial dev backchannel. It will stabilize, but remain an oddity only for rare and unique stuff.
Jeezus. 8 dismissals and counting. Was Jezebel down or something?
Go on...
He must’ve been in Missouri when he thought it up.
I’ll chip in...for a slice.
Black licorice is the head-cheese of the candy world.
Cancelling cancel culture...There’s a math joke in here somewhere.
They’ve rebuilt it a bit. Exploration is one of the best money-makers now, though the mining grind is real. My corp is a hisec only corp and helps out a lot with Jita runs, mentoring, questions and such.
I’ve only been playing since 10/15, but even a noob like me can feel how ossified the power structures have become. Even “big” wars seem to only involve a handful of systems.
It’s amazing what cutting 30 seconds of context can do to a scene!