

Was coming here to say this very thing. There is always some rape apologist telling women they should keep their legs closed, why is it that no one ever seems to tell them they should keep their mouths closed?

That is some next-level Derek Zoolander shit.

“Full inventory liquidation! Everything must go!”

If anything, she's only gotten hotter.

I am here for this post! All the stars for you.

I can probably count on one hand the number of straight men I have known who like Audrey Hepburn. I mean, there’s no denying that she was incredibly beautiful and any man (or woman) should be so lucky, but she’s never been a sex symbol. She’s a style icon. She looked like a ballerina/editorial model, not a swimsuit

The Audrey comparison here baffles me as well. Maybe a Marilyn or a Jayne, but not Audrey.

Finding Dory revealed who the real Becky is...

Thank you for making me laugh out loud at my desk when I wanted to dropkick my computer monitor just now.

I love your name! Is it a reference to the Harry Chapin song?

I hear gerbiling can be really addictive.

As far as I know, both Condy Rice AND Colin Powell used private servers during their tenures as Secretary of State and literally no one gives a shit.

I feel like there must be a fanfic of this already.

About 15 years ago my musical theatre teacher passed away suddenly. He had worked with John Goodman prior to the Roseanne days. This guy was not famous, but I guess they had stayed in touch over the years.

Not necessarily the case. The liberal arts university I attended was made up of probably 15% high school valedictorians with moderately high SAT scores on half to full tuition scholarships and 85% rich idiot children who couldn’t get into anywhere more prestigious.

That is exactly what I was thinking.

Do you think maybe she didn’t understand what she signed up for until it was too late and that’s what that weird giggling was about?

7.5 years for me. Mine ended up also being a cheater besides all the fun things you just listed.

Omg this so much.