
I put it in the same category as Pence showing up to watch Hamilton after all of the fucked up things he’s said about and tried to do to LGBT people. You shit all over us, and then you want us to sing and dance for you and make you laugh? No. Fuck you.

This is Steve Bannon, close debate:

I find it profoundly upsetting that an antisemite is making money off a show made by and about Jewish people. I don’t have anything clever to add, just that despite the fact that this matters a lot less in the grand scheme of things than the other fuckery going on in the administration the idea of this made me cry.

Try this:

May they suffer the same fate. (With less Jew-killing this go around...)

Hermann Goering made a fortune off of Jewish art he “bought,” too.

Jennifer Hudson and Kristin Chenoweth are goddesses to me. Having both in one show is beautiful.

Chenoweth is killing it, Jennifer Hudson was great, and Derek Hough is decent enough. But I’m finding all of the “kid” characters to be subpar. These were the best people they could find? Inez is the only one I’m really impressed with.

Don’t you dare!!! Harvey is everything. I saw the show on broadway the week it opened and Harvey stole the show. I am on the west coast and can’t wait to watch this!!

Kristin Muhfucking Chenowith.

At the beginning, there was an homage to John Waters with a store called Divine Pet Food that had a neon pink flamingo. So that was nice to see.

NDA’s should be against the law in this case. Trump is no longer the CEO of a private company. He is the employee of 320 million people. Please tell me this violates some form of the Freedom of Information Act. If it doesn’t, someone needs to fucking get on that. The transition and everything that follows is part of


Republicans have also given up the right to whine about the coarsening of discourse in this country. Those fuckwits nominated and then voted for a man who literally encouraged his fans to beat up protesters, a man who mocked a physically disabled reporter, a man who has spent his adult life making crude remarks about

Well, I’ve decided she’s fictional. Which is as valid a position as any she’s been spewing, because I FEEL that she’s not a real person. Therefore, imagining her painful death doesn’t make any of us a horrible person.

and I mean, if I can really get into it: If you look at the gospels and book of prophets and strip away all the religious stuff (I mean, you can’t because politics and religion were deeply intertwined but bare with me) you’ll see men and women who were fed up with the currently order of the places they lived in and

Kayleigh McEnany is an anagram for Evil Succubus.

I’m guilty of wishing someone would stab them while shouting “You’re not being stabbed! Your pain is a hoax! Facts don’t matter! Your blood isn’t spattered!”

Does wishing painful death on every person involved with either’s Trump campaign or his transition make me a horrible person? Because that’s all I have at this point, a desire for all these fuckers to suffer.