
I think it’s pretty cool that black wrestlers are being highlighted in the WWE. But (you knew that was coming) are they really? New Day is a comedy tag-team... they aren’t taken seriously. The other two wrestlers featured have titles that are no longer relevant in the WWE. Until you also have a black

Rivera was going to send an email to Adam Schefter announcing the punishment, but he couldn’t find his laptop.

Welp, I’ll do my part. Never thought I’d be subscribing to PewDiePie, but it’s for a good cause.

You realize kissing their ass anonymously won’t actually turn you into a billionaire too?

I dunno, I have no actual problem with it, it doesn’t harm anyone at all. It’s weird that people get angry when their fantasies aren’t represented by the developers. By that I mean when their ship got retconned via later lore or whatever.

It just seems like a fetish, like any other fetish, I don’t know why it’s getting

Forcing/requiring these vydja gurm characters to hook up, make out, and fuck each other in these fans’ minds is honestly a bit unsettling to me. Kotaku reporting on it is also a bit unsettling to me.

Yeah, getting pretty tired of people ‘shipping’ every new character as gay.

This was funnier before the joke became reality.

No, it really doesn’t. Don’t confuse your personal feeling with quality.

But you should still go play other Persona games :) they're wonderful.

Seriously, and what’s with all these fat guys talking about holding door memes? I don’t even watch game of thrones, the Internet should cater to me. Dumb!

Did someone say DARK PLACE?

To be fair, there is a difference between intellectualism, and smugness. A propensity for using words that sound intelligent is the latter.

This mock outrage is nothing new.

Persona 4 had probably one of the best stories in any JRPG ever... I still hope they rework their fugly dungeons.

I agree this gay went too far, and is a ridiculous asshole... but camera lenses feel “male gazey” and “rapey”? To a woman who has done “scandalous” photoshoots for many magazines and being on camera is literally her livelihood? No thanks, for the rape pseudo-comparison.

Many people allege this fund is being used to persuade (read “buy”) superdelegate votes from these states.

And here I thought the word “fuck” was associated more frequently “Trump” than with “Sanders”.

I see the resemblance. Superman also destroys any city he passes through.

I think it’s awesome that you are voting against your own interests and don’t even care!