
The idea that race isn’t by itself a determinative factor of criminality is liberal bullshit now? I’m not about to go down that rabbit hole and get into an internet argument about correlation and causality with a stranger from /r/T_D.

Jon’s views aren’t based on real statistics, but from Breitbart bullshit. He argued that the most well off black person is still more violent and more likely to commit crimes than the worst off whites. Please don’t let him half-assedly backpedal from such a blatantly racist (and factually incorrect) statement.

“...a black New York City police officer”

Wow, what a bunch of THUGS

I called the whole Yoruba/Ifa/Santeria/Orisha connection yesterday on here but instead I got ripped to shreds by people saying it was just leet speak and leet speak alone. That it was a huge stretch.

I love how alt-right people are lionizing a hack CHILDREN’S entertainer as this daring voice in comedy and champion of free speech. It’s hilarious that grown ass men are either acting like or admitting to being huge followers of a guy who screams at shitty flash games for an audience primarily of 12 year olds. If

If Jay Cutler is calling the shots then he’s likely to end up on a completely different team than the one he’s intending to go to

“imagined as being in a position of power”

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then

I’m sick of these entitled thugs. Where is the leadership in their community? Where are the fathers to teach them humility and grace?

Its black history month so let me take this opportunity to talk about me and how unfair the press is and let me name check a few token well-known black folks, inner cities and scene.

DO 👏🏾 NOT 👏🏾 FEEL 👏🏾 SORRY 👏🏾 FOR 👏🏾 HER!!!

Hopefully the community doesn’t turn this tribute into a fanfic about who’s fucking who now.

Yeah, V is fantastic gameplay-wise, but the story is crap, Trevor is a piece of shit who I vastly dislike playing as, and it’s just really not memorable.

Non-GAAP earnings are not ‘back in vogue’, corporate debt is pretty low, and participation rate has been falling for 30 years. And interest rates are not ‘artificially low’, they are values that can be set at whatever we want them to - and we generally raise them to curtail employment, which is not good for the common

I’m sure the first few thousand choices were all born and bread


There’s a difference between working for a customer you don’t particularly like (or even loath) vs publicly acting to prop up and celebrate them. More than that, because this isn’t just “a job” they have to deal with becoming a propaganda tool for a politician who supports legislature that may directly seek to negate

Cut it in half and squeeze it out urself like a man. You don’t have to buy it prepackaged. Whiney ass millennial.

Just waiting for a skin that shows off Mei for who she truly is...