
Yeah, I can imagine that the sibling got the silent treatment after that fiasco.

When the PS1 came out, I was a freshman in high school and wanted one bad, since the majority of my peer group already owned one and I missed the 16-bit era completely ( I was still rocking Mega Man 6 like it had just came out).

Coiled Hiss 1919 on the Playstation, Another NitC on the Xbox.

Hopefully Coiled Hiss will be the pulse rifle that doesn't get dismantled.

PSN is working for me here in Orlando, FL.

Space Swagic.

There's always one of these types of '2 l33t 2 furious' folks that can't fathom that it's not always about kill/death ratio, but accessibility and enjoyment of the game. I await your monster pwnage montage vid, brokowski.

Now playing

We have Wenzel's response. Now let's get Ja Rule's.

Drake at 95? Will there be some kind of curse that follows this rating? Would be nice.

Wake me up when September ends.

North Carolina represent.

About damn time.

Now playing

Come on and slam, and welcome to the jam.

Because she/he/it had to say something.

I don't know why it's a timed exclusive. They should lettuce Sony system owners in on the fun on release too.

Both. And got a Wii U last year. I don't prefer one over the other, all three have their strengths.

I just wish I had the free time I had when the last gen launched.

It WOULD be Florida, wouldn't it?

Living in Orlando has its perks. The driving is horrible and the summer humidity is Satan's morning breath, but this area has made me a StreetPass champ.

I have annual passes to Universal Studios and Disney World, so I usually have to check my 3Ds halfway through the visit to clear the plaza for more StreetPass tags.

PS4- (400)+ 7 games (320, a mix of Target's B2G1 and trade in credit) = 720

GT: Anariacana

The next PPV will be Pinjustice: Suplexes Among Us.