
I don’t know Tom, I mean. I am afraid here at Deadspin to say what I think without repercussion. I mean, I get the ESPYs are just famewhoring anyways. I do think reasonable people (not necessarily just Bob Costas) have legit hesitations about hoisting Caitlyn up so unequivocally. I’m sorry :(

SHATTAP. i hate crybabies who put in a million plus hours into the game and are still crying about drop rates. SHATTAPPPPPP and deal, or gtfo

This asshat Jay (ex-friend/bandmate) stole my NES Ducktales cart. He borrowed it, and then when I asked him to finally return it like 6 months later, he said “What are you talking about? That’s mine, I’ve always had it.”

Or they might just take over a bunch of offices and the parking lot. Then toss up settlements.

Israel bombs the Rockstar HQ (and a dozen schools and hospitals in nearby neighborhoods) in 4... 3... 2...

He's young, but not a kid. He's in the game, but that's no excuse. He used racist language, bragged about violence, and presented his job as a position of power, abusive power. None of this is acceptable, ever. He lost his job, because he deserved it.

And yet, still so many tits.

Hyperbole aside, if this is the type of thing that prevents you playing your PS4, why do you even own it? Might as well donate it to Goodwill or throw it in a dumpster. It appears to have no value to you.

Your user name is rather apt.

If that is what you want, go read another website.

I am a good white person. ... And do you know what? I don't see a need to apologize for it.

Yeah man. These players need to shut the fuck up so I can masturbate to them violently colliding with each other without having to be aware of their "agendas."

Isn't it weird that the same group of people who want to talk about how the Evil Government's Agenda 23 is Obama using Ebola to declare Martial Law to steal your guns & arrest you under Sharia law are also the same group of people who unreservedly believe & defend the authorities when they use military firepower

you know what I find offensive? 18 year olds getting shot and prosecutors intentionally throwing the case

Dude, stop gambling.

Oh, but in the hardest bull there be...tender meats.

There wouldn't be so much friggin' hype if it wasn't worth hyping over! :D