

And here I thought this issue would go on and on until Steve Ballmer's sister, Em, had to get involved.

You sir are a fucking disgrace to humanity, you should be carpet bombed along with any imbecile that thinks like you. Also try to read a little, the invaders are the Israeli, they were given land they didn't deserve and wasn't theirs, and gradually have left without home hundreds of thousands of people since then

I've been 40 years on this planet, enough to learn how the Israeli work. They are doing basically an ethnic cleansing, destructing basic infrastructure (hospitals, schools) to drive people away. I would post some of the gruesome pictures of the last days but I'm pretty sure that you can google them by yourself.

It's not being an armchair general, it's being a congruent human being. You can suck all that media bullshit that Hamas is using always human shields, and hey they may do it, but look at the kill count of palestinians and tell me israelis are not some fucked up human beings. There is no excuse for having so many

This is a can of worms you may not have wanted to open mate..... There are some strong feelings on both sides and some are not going to like her for that exact quote.... Not everybody thinks Israel is right. In fact, a lot of people don't think they are right....

Now I know what movie I'll never watch. Any in which she appears.

As we speak, I'm in the middle of reporting and writing a lengthy story for this afternoon, which you'll see shortly, for free. Yesterday, I spent several hours of my weekend transcribing interviews for more stories which you'll see this week, for free. Last week, while I was on vacation, I spent about 80% of my time

Back in the day, you had to wait until the new Nintendo Power or another magazine decided to feature your game, or for that kid that is super good at games to get the game and you could ask him in history class how to beat "X" boss. You might longingly look at that 1-900 number for tips, but your mom would beat your

I thought you needed three rings for a circus.

I can't have children now.

"We spare no expense."

I don't care as long as I get new content for this game. I can't stop playing it.


look at her fucking face

Good to hear he's doing well. Iwata puts up with a lot of crap, people thinking he should step down and whatnot...

Koopa best karter no doubt. I have a koopa kart figure on my desk.

Rosalina is mos def the most played out char in MK8. Will literally go through an hour of racing 6-8 Rosalinas VS whoever else (and probably a pink gold Peach or 2 in there).

My dad is a gay man and he though people making a fuss of it were just asking for attention, he once said something about gay people that I think is pure gold; "Gay people who are always up in arms about acceptance are those who don't accept themselves."

There we go. Thats what was missing. Thats why they look like. Someone shop a moogle in there for good measure.