
This one feels really, really good - especially with all four wins being total thrashings. Eat shit, Miami!

It's a box with eyes and teeth, and you're suppose to reach your hand in there for food.

Nintendo assaulted my mind, my body and my wallet. I am utterly broken.

Even actively disliking something takes so much energy for me that it amazes me how heated people can get about something like this. It's kind of fascinating, actually.

If you've beaten SS and traded it in already, you weren't expecting DLC.

If you don't have a grown-up job that allows you to not trade in games because you don't have to beg your parents for money, you're a child.

"That is why our ransom handoffs, they often go—" [Dance-grinds down to ground, winks provocatively]

Just wait till Smash hits the shelves. You will witness the ressurection.

Nintendo says the same thing about Sony and the Vita :D


I think it's because he's a fucking idiot.

EA: I would gladly pay you a lot of money if you released DLC so that every time you spawned in, there would be a three or four second delay, as the player sees a black screen, hears the sound of a pipe being hit twice, and then have white text at the bottom with the map name, the name of the sector where they

You can watch the whole thing up top there, cut down to 26 minutes of hot Mario Kart 8 action by Kotaku video editor Chris Person. We think you'll enjoy it. Also, fuck Rainbow Road.

Translation: either I don't own an Xbox console or I don't care about this particular game, no matter how awesome it is.

Oh look, Pinocchio looks like a fucking puppet! All he needed was an iDevice and a Starbucks frapp in his hand.

Come on, guys. Sol Campbell is not a racist. I mean sure, he may be a traitor, an egomaniac, an idiot, a pedophile and a racist, but he is almost certainly not gay.

Anyone who thinks Stern (and probably Jerry Buss as well) wasn't protecting Sterling from the press and the other owners all these years with the David Stern Whip of You'll Do What I Fucking Tell You And We'll Get Rich Together Or I Will Fucking Ruin You [(c) and (tm) David Stern] is delusional and/or high.