
Having just rewatched the Mummy trilogy, that absolutely deserves a spot over AT THE VERY LEAST over The Rocketeer or Dick Tracy (both films that, like The Phantom and The Shadow, hold a dear place in my heart.)

Suits change the narrative just like female outfits change rape probability

Don’t forget when liberals were putting their trust in generals and the intelligence community while conservatives were discovering their love for Russia and North Korea.

In fairness, nobody’s better at turning left than Nascar.

There are a lot of things we’ve done historically that we don’t do now for whatever reason so I don’t think the historical argument is worth anything. Also I’m sure if and when our ancestors did that, it was a means of survival 

Anyone who claims this is hunting or sporting is a worthless piece of trash. 

Here come those spicy hot takes.

It’s not necessary to slam the man’s work to take issue with his problematic views. It’s irrelevant.

Yes, it was very good. And, for that matter, so was Ender’s Game.

Note as well.

If the MCRN isn’t careful, we might decide to give them a ring sooner.

Yeah, but the article started by a proclamation about how much the writer will to ensure Biden victory. So certainly she wouldn’t blatantly misrepresent what was being said in order to cast Biden in the worst light possible.

Your Fantasy (Ludacris + Lil’ Kim)

But haven’t just as many progressives and activists been telling white people that racism is their problem to solve and that white allies have to work on other white people to make them how they’re a part of the problem, and to stop looking to POC to tell them what to do? But when white women tackle it head on and

My head-canon is Dolores went to Westeros World and placed one of her pearls in Dany. Now the ending of GoT makes more sense.

Would I? Or is that what you need me to be to more easily handwave my issues away.

Yes I do hate the ultra rich, but don’t worry, I don’t hate you since you’re a poor just like the rest of us.

Jesus, you are a colossal piece of shit. His employees hate him more every day as he is putting their lives at risk (again) so shove your jobs, jobs, jobs mantra up your ass, boot licker. He acts like what he is: an entitled rich kid who grew up in a segregated society and whose father was basically a modern day slave

Musk Quoted The Matrix while, ironically, acting like one of the machine overlords who only thought of humans in his employ as disposable products.

She should be maligned.

I think there are so many rich actors so utterly surrounded by a Calabasas bubble that they do not understand that every choice of role is a political one these days. Also, I don’t think many of them are all that smart.