
You’re telling me that the Benghazi movie guy might not be the coolest dude in the room?

No, it’s gone because of the shitty last season, otherwise Star Wars would have ended in 1983. I loved GoT and I agree with Beth, basically haven’t thought about it since the end other than to think about how I haven’t thought about it.

Pretty much.

$50 says he’s lying about taking it, just like he lies about everything else. 

Oh look, I have something in common with Grimes’ mom!

Cracking up at boogie sitting there, thinking “Yes, this is the hill I want to die on.” Truly, a life well-lived.

1. yes

I swear to god, this website sometimes.

The ‘poll’ is laughable. Does it ask whether Bernie would be better in a pandemic than Trump. How about Hillary? Would she be better. Or are they just you know voting the party line? Why not just ask whether the Dems or Republicans are better at shit like this. So far the two popular standouts - Cuomo and Newsom - are

Your assertion that the United States was “overwhelmingly non-interventionist” prior to Pearl Harbor is demonstrably false, as indicated by opinion polling at the time. While it is true that at the beginning of World War II the American public favored remaining neutral (in an October 1939 Gallup poll 71% opposed

This is an absolutely ludicrous take, especially given the fact that we know the ending: isolationism was a hopelessly naive and misguided attitude that, had it remained U.S. policy, would have led to an absolutely nightmarish outcome for world history.

So it bothers you when the other tribe steals a little, but you smile like an idiot when your tribe steals a lot from you.  Sucker.

And if those rich people use their wealth and power to cut your Social Security and take away your healthcare? Will it still be okay then?

So you’re ok with her taking tax payer paid flights to her vacations because you’re...uneducated? You should fix that because that looks real stupid on you.

Mnuchin got his wealth by foreclosing on the homes of people affected by the housing crisis. It’s not okay by everybody.

She’s taking plane rides to rich vacations. On your tax dime. Is that ok?


Jack McCoy would be ashamed.

Why is Elizabeth Warren not the front runner over her lesser rivals.  And yes, I said lesser.  She’s smarter than the two other front runner hands down.

Shit take from a shit tweet, tbh. Sanders too has played into the “bad evil dude” narrative while also still calling this what it was and how bad it is.