
So I guess if you’re going to be logically consistent (you won’t) we should reserve public schools for only the children of property owners?

Ffs. You’re not only dumb, you’re lazy. Google it you dumb fuck. Also, where the fuck do you think a property owner getting money to pay property tax (which is the base for almost all school funding)? Rent, you dumb fuck. And if they don’t rent a unit, guess what, they still have to pay tax on the property. Maybe if

And yet all the white Catholics I know personally are pro-immigration, don’t care about even the concept of borders, and despise Trump with a passion. Go figure.

Honestly, This is such a disturbing comment.

You’re a moron. Please never own a dog. Please also never reproduce..

You can care about more than one thing, you know that right?

Please stay away from all dogs and other animals.  

Yeah, animal abuse is totally okay because people are suffering somewhere too. JFC.

But Jesus man. Find them a way to become citizens. They contribute to the economy. And let them pay taxes and live.

Yes. They are illegal. I understand that.

When you've been asked why the chicken crossed the road for the 200th time, the punchline isn't funny anymore. 

Mass shootings by literal Nazis that the current president supports, kids in cages, women productive rights being stripped state by state, but fucking Hillary is still triggering you? Talk about white privilege.

I don’t know. I’m only up to S1E8. It’s been good so far. I’m rooting for Ned to take the throne.

There’s a difference between Twitter dynamics and how people behave together on the street, in offices, in restaurants, with their families.  Most people in this country get along just fine.  The idea that cultural unity is a serious problem in the US isn’t backed up by the statistics, or the facts on the ground in

Except, our nation is unbelievably culturally diverse and we’ve by and large thrived like no other. We haven’t had a civil war since forty years before the automobile, and our 4% global population is responsible for 25% of global economic power.

Let’s talk about prioritizing white birth. Just take a moment to enter the mind of a white supremacist...

Identity politics is what white men call any politics that doesn't center them. It's meant to shut women and PoC up.

“how would anyone feel if some new hire on the lowest rung on the ladder came in and started telling everyone how to do their job and demanding people be fired.”

Look at all the teens Epstein didn’t rape!