
“Today I wrote a piece attempting to explain the view of ordinary people (i.e. people who agree with me)." -Posted from inside a luxury bunker penthouse, eating raw oysters on furniture made of poor people standing very still. 

This is why voting is important. Republicans get this no matter who the nominee is they vote. If u didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016 u don’t get to fucking complain about any Supreme Court rulings.

I’m not sure I get the snark over William’s comments (beyond the legitimate discussion about the word “decision”). He acknowledged that the issues would be the result of society’s failures and that’s something we all need to work to change. Given the scrutiny Meghan has faced, undoubtedly in large part because she is

As long as you’re white and have money and power, no one gives a shit what you do!

The British tabloids are a goddamn nightmare so, uh, I kinda see his point. And there’s plenty of homophobic people who’d throw a fit about an LGBTQ royal. Just look at all the racist abuse hurled at Meghan Markle :-( And, uh, remember the role of the paparazzi in his mom’s death. 

What. The. Hell. First off, Finn is 1000% horny on main in The Force Awakens. And Rey and Kylo Ren are a hair’s breadth away from straight up psychically fucking for most of The Last Jedi. Those movies are hella horny.

. . .There are worse places it could have gone.

They have to name this Shaggydog...

I don’t know why people bother to debate abortion. The entire argument against abortion from the point of conception is a religious argument. You cannot debate religion.

Yeah, but the catholics are among the worst: sexual abusers, hoarders of wealth, encouraging and even insisting that their converts produce far more children than they can possibly support, oppressors of women and minorities, my God, the list goes on and on.

Right? Everything about this post is bullshit. He asked her a question and she gave a perfectly satisfactory answer, then assuming that point was concluded, began talking about other stuff. Then he repeatedly returned back to the question to press her for no reason. She then reiterated her original response and he

Don’t forget all of the support she got and still gets from Native Americans. This writer wants to push a narrative where all Native Americans are angry about Warren, but that simply isn’t true.

yeah, i had the same question while reading this. she responded to the topic clearly and directly, and the show hosts just kept harping on it. if you provide a succinct, clear answer and then the “asker” keeps pushing the subject as if you dodged the question instead, what the hell else is there to do? annoying, and

Eh, the Dolezal thing read as a bit tongue-in-cheek to me, but I wasn’t there.

The original Rachel Dolezal? What a fucking cheap shot, and not AT ALL in the same ballpark. Bullshit hit job. If it’s this kind of petty ass shit that brings down someone the quality of Elizabeth Warren, fuck all of us. 

Two things:

There are Senate races that need candidates. The DNC can’t find anyone to run in them because they’re all running for President. We are seriously shooting ourselves in the dick.

Her stylist, makeup artist, and hairdresser all hate her. I'm not sure she has figured that out yet. I imagine she thinks she's Rose on the Titanic. Totally wealthy but can drink Coors with the poors at quitting time if she wanted.

Sometimes I wonder when Kellyanne Conway will just stop. And then I look at her and realise not even death is that powerful.