
To the folks (or really, the one guy we all knew would be in here screaming about it the moment he got an opportunity) saying, “Don’t blame us for Clinton’s loss. Some voters have morals!”

...I hope your morality helps you sleep at night, knowing that the SCOTUS—as now composed (thanks to two—and possibly

This. Yeah, I’m gonna play “I told you so” too. Hillary may not have checked all the boxes as far as the environment, etc., whatever, but there was no way the gains that have been made in the past few decades were going to be wiped the fuck out they way they have been by Trump and his gang of shits. Instead of

I would love for all the Bernie supporters to come and tell us again about how Hillary is just as bad as Trump. If the challenges to any of these new laws end up in the Supreme Court, given 

So the government is already assuming that people will leave rather than stay. What happens if all the “legal” families just decide to stay? Then there ends up being no help at all on the backlog of help they’re calling for.

Odds on whoever on the advance team putting that carpet out there still having a job ...?

Paul has always been a gutless little puke. He just used his whole ‘the libertarian who will buck the party line for his own conscience’ schtick as a PR stunt.

I fucking hate the omnipotent/omniscient enemy bullshit that this show relies on. Trailer-Park-Boys-Pirate and his heat-seeking stealth ballistas are the latest in that string, in the fine tradition of the Night King, Ramsay Bolton and those Harpy dudes.

Those ships appearing out of nowhere, ambushing the only navy in the entire world that has aerial recon, was some next-level bullshit. I expect it from this show these days, but it was still jawdropping.

I was a huge critic of last episode but gotta say, I mostly enjoyed this one. There were obvious issues due to the shortened season length, but for the most part it was fun to watch and had more heart-wrenching moments than last week’s episode did. Euron’s attack on Dany’s fleet was fucking great - the flying arrows

I have less problem with building all the ballistas in that time than I do with them being stunningly accurate and being carried by ships that apparently can appear from thin air. 

Buried the lede again, you kids:

The decisions the SCOTUS will most likely hand down on these cases, reversing decades of LGBTQ progress, are some of the biggest factors in my never ending resentment towards the utter myopia many in the “Sending a message to the establishment/she didn’t inspire me/both sides are the same” crowd displayed by not

A scorpion asks a frog to carry him over a river.

I grew up in a two family house. A young couple lived on the first floor and mine lived on the second. One day the wife came up to have coffee with my mother. I told the wife that my mom laid on the floor to hear the couple’s fights better.

She was a very public never-Hillary campaigner like Susan Sarandon, so I think it’s fair to say she used her influence in that way.

Then again, she did vote for Jill Stein.

$1000 may seem like a lot of money, but horses are crazy expensive to take care of, which can be a bit of a night-mare. I thorough(bred)ly applaud anyone willing and able to support this, but whoever does is really going to have to pony-up. But don’t race in and make a rash decision, just hold your horses and think on

But did you love it as much as Glenn Close did? That’s the look she gave all those Dalmatians.

God, the fragile masculinity of some of the men I’ve seen comment on this outfit.

I say this as someone who adores cats, but this is why we need to start building guillotines.