
Isn’t Ivanka his beard?

Well all that needs to happen now is RBG and Breyer both kick off before 2021 and the GOP will be able to achieve a 7-2 SCOTUS majority that will probably keep them in power until many of us in here are dead. Just like they hoped they would accomplish by voting Trump despite any reservations.

But none of that was worthy of consideration in the minds of people who decided to vote for Jill Stein or not vote at all because there was basically “no difference” between Hillary and Trump.

There’s a lot of background that people want to ignore, too. But it is important.

Especially since none of the push back is coming from Native groups. This controversy seems to mostly white people competing over being the most woke. Which is actually racist in its own patronising white saviour way. As I have said up thread there is nothing wrong with being proud of actual native roots as long as

She never said she was a member of a nation.

... what? When did she claim she was “member of a nation”? You’re just flat out making that up. You know that, right?

This is how my mom got mine! Sort of. She taught school and one of the janitors approached her and said that his brother worked at a large toy store and if she was willing to pay in cash, she could get a cabbage patch doll. I distinctly remember my mom taking us after school that day, we drove behind the toy store and

Your Pity party is being held elsewhere, fuck off

I’m glad the defense didn’t work, but i’m also glad someone attempted it. Because this is what you get when you make asinine anti-abortion laws like this shit. If you want to act like life begins at conception just to be a dick, then yeah, deal with crazy rape defenses like this. Maybe they will rethink the bullshit

Oh she’s trying to help? How? How do I not have my shit together? I really want to know!

A combination of racism and colorism passed on through the Brits and strengthened by white supremacist American institutions and instruction, a wholesale adoption of the model minority myth that allows Indian Americans to act white-adjacent and thus reap the benefits, slavish aping of mainstream conservative/white

The Caste System is all about punching down. That mentality is brought over to this country .It fits in well with the right-wing philosophy. No one whorships white skin like the Indian people that also fit in with Right-wing ethos

Honestly, what is up with my peeps? I mean, I know we are not a monolith, but we definitely seem to be over representing for the right. 

These people elected Donald Trump as their leader. They have no credibility as any moral authority forever and ever, amen.

Easy to ignore the shitty things that shitty friends do if it doesn’t impact you personally.

Prepare for a long disappointing night. When they have money in their pockets people vote the status quo.  

White people can leave guns lying around their houses and when one of their toddlers shoots their other toddler the police and DA just say, “Well, this family has suffered enough.”

but you, or anyone else, don’t get to be the arbitrator of what constitutes the validity of whether a citizen chooses to vote or not”

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.