
Not like she'd answer the question anyway. 

Once upon a time, The republicans had the great fortune of getting an adversary president that was still amenable to their concerns. Still included conservative ideas in this domestic and foreign policy. Invited republicans into his administration. Was polite, cordial, well mannered and treated every single one of

A white girl called mean “uppity nigger” in 8th grade. My two Irish friends covered the corridor for me and lied when asked where I was as I followed fat girl Becky into the bathroom. I slapped her beet red and wrapped her hair around her neck and dunked her head six times in a clear toilet (one for each letter in the

I have no idea if he’s a good Catholic male, but he’s a shitty pharmacist and should be fired.

I don’t think people want to watch it. Like the professor quoted in the article, it might make people feel angry so they choose not to watch it - rather than maybe learning that Elizabeth Warren is not the garbage heap that Trump and his goons want you to believe she is.

She said her mom’s family was discriminated against by their community because they had an “injun in the woodpile.” That forced her mom and dad to say adieu to their racist, hick-ass, backwater community and build a life where transgressions of generations past aren’t still held against you.

She has only ever said that her family’s oral history said they had Native American ancestors in their direct family lineage. Just like she said in the video, saying you have native ancestry is not the same as saying you are a tribal member or have a tribal identity. This is true no matter how much Trump or others

So I know my own, personal, anecdote doesn’t prove anything but here we go.

All that matters is that he’s fine with protecting and enabling child rapists in order for the coffers to remain full.

OR think about this: Brett Kavanaugh lies under oath all the time and he’s a partisan shitbird who has managed to fail up his whole life (as rich, white men do), and now he’d deny his own damned mother for a chance to join the SCOTUS so he’s actually extremely unreliable. Think about that one....Or just think at all.

Unfortunately we know the near O-face expressions on Trump Voters at a Trump of the Will Rally.

Honey, your youth is showing. You are missing some classic hot boyfriends here:
- Judd Nelson in the Breakfast Club
- Pretty in Pink
- Eric Stoltz in Some Kind of Wonderful (HELLO!!!)
- Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing
- #1 boyfriend of the 80s - John Cusack in Say Anything. I mean how could you miss this????
- Patrick

I would bet any amount of money that the reason he wanted her to keep the baby is because he wanted to stay in her life as long as he wanted, and thought that her desire to have an abortion was nothing more than an implicit rejection of him. I would also bet any amount of money that had she carried the child to term

Seriously though can you imagine the collective scream from men if women genuinely took this advice? I would maybe have had sex once every three years, and now that I’m done having kids I guess my husband is done having sex! Forever! If men have a problem with it they can take it to Scott Lloyd. 

No one is debating this, we’re addressing the weird passive-aggressive tone of the original comment that seems to be mad at us for caring about a xenophobic hate crime.

“Yeah this uh kinda smells to me but hey we love immigrants right?”

Protesting during the anthem and protesting the anthem are not the same thing.

I like the guy who looked at your comment, with your user pic, and decided you were being serious.