
These marches should end with a member of the aristocracy looking up at a guillotine so they know we're serious.

This week the Supreme Court decided that it’s unconstitutional to force fake doctors to tell women the truth, but totally constitutional to force real doctors to lie to them. That’s the court we have right now. And it’s about to become so much worse.

Per ABC News, the man was among protesters who showed up with signs that read, “Homos are full of demons” and “Unless they repent Let God Burn Them (LGBT) 2 Peter 2:6.” They sound like a lovely, inclusive group of people.

Your incorrect implication here is that it’s the party’s job to raise the profile of anyone, much less an outsider and non-party member until he decided it was his turn to run for president, on a whim basically. Bernie is responsible for Bernie’s name recognition, not the DNC.

There is literally nothing the Democratic Party could do that wouldn’t have the writers here frothing at the mouths about. Candidate moves left? Pandering. Candidate doesn’t move left? Corporate shills. Lots of people running? They all want a piece of the pie. Not enough people running? No choices! Progressive

The Saturday before Christmas that year was the 19th. I don’t see why December 19th, six days before Christmas is a time when “no one” would be watching. Nor do I see why the Sunday before MLK day would be. It’s not like that weekend is a major travel weekend. Also, by that time Sanders was already well-established

Can you show me any evidence that scheduling primary debates against football games matters? (Also, note that there is some football, college or pro, in the fall like 5 days of the week). I mean, that’s the same shit Trump was whining about.

A contentious primary is fine. Moving the date of the convention up to give more time to focus on the general election, especially when running against an incumbent who will likely face no serious primary threat, is also fine. This article is stupid.

Trump, Fox News, conservative talk radio, and the modern Republican party are fucking bloodhounds. The House Majority Leader is trying to derail the Mueller investigation using a couple of text messages from FBI agents as pretext. They spent 8 years eviscerating Obama and Hillary Clinton over the most minor of issues.

This is just never going to stop, huh? An anodyne story about the convention being moved up for perfectly innocent reasons turns into yet another bitchfest about the 2016 primaries. Just pure uncut Splinter. I have to say, I do love the preview of the whining you will be doing if your preferred candidate doesn’t win

Do you have facts? Figures? Numbers? No, just vague broadsides that can’t be disproven.

Here’s a fact for you. Most government employees are teachers, cops, and emergency responders. Its not big buildings in DC. Its your neighbors.

Maybe stop giving Aid to countries like Israel and lowering our defense budget. Spend more on infrastructure and education.

I see that a lot, but no one ever manages to tell me how exactly they want their money more wisely spent.

But lower taxes, AMIRITE!?

CVS wishes they could print receipts that long.

Because we finally won a sizable portion of the legislature back to bring the state Assembly to closer represent the actual voter base. Democrats in VA have consistently been receiving more than half the popular vote for the state legislature for years but would be dominated by a 2-1 margin in the state govt thanks to

Oh my gosh, are we *finally* going to acknowledge on Splinter that the black vote was suppressed, potentially pushing the election to Trump*, AND that there were in fact real life Bernie Bros like Carter trying to splinter the left**? This is truly a miracle.

That is an adorable picture and I love her dress.

If the midterms are in the Republicans favor, I wholeheartedly believe they will push to outlaw abortion. States are getting bolder and bolder with their restrictions.

The church you are looking for is the Church of Satan. They are absolutely fine with birth control, homosexuality, and abortion. In fact, they recent challenged an abortion law in Missouri, arguing that their religious beliefs should allow them to skip the extra crap that the state throws at women when they go for an