
I’m sure a lot of Jill Stein voters and people who didn’t vote at all in 2016 are upset by this decision, but they shouldn’t blame themselves since there really was no way they could have seen this coming.

Sanders is the most popular politician in America

Normally, I would caution here, and say internet mob justice is bad.

I am kinda interested in this, but have real difficulty giving this any of my time unless it will look critically at Maggie Haberman and ask hard questions about why the NYT continues to employ her, given her and her family’s significant ties to Trump, the Kushners, and Russia.

Haberman is complicit in Trump’s installation as president and his reign as Fuhrer in Chief. I never knew a fucking thing about any reporters until I noticed her and Thrush’s byline on every ass kissing byline. I cannot stand her privileged ass sanctimony. Mags, if you’re reading, go fuck yourself. THANKS!

I died laughing, but then again I have a sense of humor.

I don’t like blanket statements about any group so I would say it’s religious, conservative white women though honestly I have met women of every race who are equally single issue voters when it comes to abortion. It’s especially prevalent among people from very religious cultures, like some Latin American countries

Straight up, white women are the problem. They’re overwhelmingly the single-issue voters on abortion who are willfully blind to the atrocities these legislators commit while paying lip service to the pro-life agenda (some of them are true believers).

You’re not exactly bringing up topics of discussion yourself unless you count scolding as a topic of discussion (I do not.)

So simplistic and so stupid. They’re eating cheap heavily processed garbage food. The fat poor would be healthier if they were thin.

You realize that cheap foods are higher in fat and sugar, right?


Agreed up to a point, but only in that I suspect our politics may differ slightly.

I voted for Hillary in 2016, because she was preferable to Trump—but I didn’t want to vote for Bernie (I didn’t want Hillary, either, but she became the lesser of two evils in my mind).

Progressive candidates are fine and well, but I

Thus “primaries are absolutely the time to fight out ideological differences.”

Want the man or woman running in the primary? Get your folks out to vote for them.

Don’t want the absolute shit-monster running against the candidate you don’t like as much? Maybe vote in a way that’s slightly better than absolute

Just a little reminder:

Bevin was elected because everyone in the state (including registered Republicans) thought he was such a goddamned joke that his Democratic challenger would be a shoo-in. We’d just come off of a successful term for Democratic Governor Steve Beshear, and it seemed a foregone conclusion that this

He caused that second situation and you think that should scare him into needing protection? HE CAUSED IT.

Well the good news is you don’t have to worry about a government that is going to be pursuing centrist policies any time soon. 

Every time I read a story like this about one of Trump’s nominees, I am reminded of how Hillary Clinton’s emails made her a totally unacceptable candidate. Just not worthy of the Presidency.

Do I find his position on abortion utterly insane? Yea, pretty much. [...] There’s a huge difference between suggesting there should be extrajudicial murders of women who have had an abortion versus enacting policy making abortion a capital offense.