
I believe in discussions, not violence or commuting crimes

I have not commented in more than an year, probably. I am, more than probably, in the grays. But I just cannot help myself when it comes to reproductive rights: I grew up in a former communist country where abortion was illegal (for population control purposes) until the regime fell. I know, from my mother and from my

Elections have consequences. If people get their head out of their asses and realize that Clinton is not “just as bad” as Trump, Gorsuch isn’t on SCOTUS and Roe v. Wade isn’t in imminent danger. You (colloquial You, not aimed at anyone in particular) may think Clinton was “coronated” but by sitting on your thumbs and

I got away with doing so many drugs due to this logic.

The Catholic Church was asking for it when they invited Buress to perform. It’s the church’s fault, and they need to repent for what they’ve done and then they need to be quiet about it because no one will believe them anyway.

Which Bernie (and most white progressives) still don’t get

Trump won because America is racist.

Is your governor Matt Bevin by any chance? Because that sounds exactly some bullshit that I would expect to come out of his mouth.

The fact that these russia loving, humanity hating, classless, cultureless, chinless, dickless, spineless, Garland Merrick blocking, scheming, semi-sentient, greedy blobs of shit with horrible HORRIBLE fitting skin suits have the gall to call anyone else in the entirety of Democracy obstructionist fills me with so

“systematic mistreatment of some individuals irrespective of their underlying biological similarities due to their involuntarily expressed melanin levels results in a more desirable quality of life for their comparatively unaffected counterparts”

This sentence made me laugh. First class sarcasm right there.

It’s almost

Let’s see. Here we have:

so what term to describe “white people as a whole get treated better than most brown people” would be ok for you? 

So you understand it exists but want to pretend it doesn’t because it hurts your feelings? That’s the standard mediocre white person response. Not sure why you took the time to write it out like that.

This comment showed up earlier than I expected.

The bulldog has booked its return flight on Spirit Airlines.

Honestly, fuck it. Burn it all to the fucking ground. If Gawker can go down for publishing true stories that are obviously newsworthy by any legal standard, then it’s about fucking time these right-wing shit heels started getting treated on the same level.

That’s a lot of economic anxiety there.

This sounds like a good opportunity to set up “pro-life” protests outside of crisis pregnancy centers. Hand out flyers to everyone going in directing them to actual doctors. For God.

Come one white people. You can’t just go out and harass POC and Muslims like that.

You have to join the police force first.