
Yep. As one half of a biracial couple, I can personally attest that the microaggressions we face in daily life don’t need to be compounded by tirades against multiracial couples on screen. I do agree with the author that brown women are seriously underrepresented as the full, developed characters they deserve to be in

I think you need to smoke a joint and calm your tits! Screaming at someone on a comment thread is really counterproductive to a peaceful existence... Everyone has (and is entitled to) their own thoughts/feelings/opinions, just as you are. Disagree if you must but I see no need to act like a total asshole about it.

I refuse to pay estate tax on anything above $6 million because my net worth is $30,000.

The Catholic Church has the biggest grift of all time. Pray to God, give the man “representing” him money and maybe you will go to heaven. If you give him more however, you are upping your chances. A religion with the largest wealth ever amassed and yet they tell their people to live in poverty, tithe and just be

My money is on the “cool” Pope protecting this guy and denying anything happened.

(Am I the only one having trouble posting images? When I do, they show up as doubled, and then become huge.)

I am so goddamned sick of Bernie Sanders, and I voted for him in the primaries (which I now regret), and my parents had been following him in the Senate for 10 years. So fucking over his populist bullshit and his absolutely terrible, ignorant, tone-deaf fanbase. When he had that completely worthless dick measuring

I’m literally *crying* laughing at the kitties comment reply to this yours here; it’s like peak white do-gooder commenter irony.

Funny how Clinton seems to be gone now, isn’t it? Where’s she been while the country rips itself apart? Where are the Democrat elites? Where’s Perez? Where’s Obama? Where’s Hillary? Who is fighting the GOP agenda? Who’s fighting for us? Harris, Sanders and Warren can’t do it all on their own - the Dems who insisted

“A. I am not a Democrat. I’m a progressive. Big difference.”

God isn’t there anyone in your real life to lavish with you with attention. Jesus. We get it. You hate Hillary. You’re ok with her losing bc your life isn’t being affected by the consequences of having a fucking blowhard in the White House.

You’re damn right I have standards and others haven’t met them. My standards don’t include milquetoast white people coming in to tell us what we have to do and who we need to support. I get it, the Greens are a party of well to do white people who do poorly in local elections. Y’all aren’t the future, and demographics

Listen, honey bunches of oats... I’ll spell this out once.

Bitch please

First of all, there are people IN THIS THREAD suggesting that she’d be “as bad as Trump” in regards to the environment, Syria, etc. So, those people did/do exist (which I think you’re trying to deny “exited”?). Since I don’t live in a world of hypotheticals, I live in a world in which Trump is absolutely president and

Agreed. Many liberals couldn’t seem to grasp the concept that trying to rebel against the Democrats, when the alternative was pure, idiotic, evil, may not have been the best time to make that statement.

If you want to have a really good time, wait for one of them to claim the DNC pushed Clinton or outright rigged the election for her and then ask them how they square that with primaries being run by individual state governments and caucuses being run by state DNCs.

LOL. Since Trump took office, the American military has attacked a Syrian airfield and shot down a Syrian jet, significantly escalating our involvement and causing a lover’s quarrel with Russia. Trump has openly taken sides in the conflict between Iran and the Arab states of the Middle East, is escalating sanctions on

You’re a fucking idiot. She did not support coal, rolling back clean water regulations, etc. how is his environmental policy the equivalent of hers?

Not crickets. It’s now (or still), “The DNC should’ve run a better candidate. Bernie Sanders would have won. Super Delegates are the devil reincarnate.”