
Did Obama do it anywhere similar to how Trump has? Uh, no. Actually go look at the history.

The process for designating a hate crime and investigating it are different and take longer, which is just under the law, as the punishment is more severe. If they find evidence (social media, witness accounts, prior affiliations, etc) to suggest a hate crime, then law inforcement will change it. Its too early to tell

as a POC who grew up in NOVA the older I got the less safe I felt. I ultimately decided it was best for me to move. That welcoming community vibe I remembered now seems gone and replaced with sterile communities and overwhelming white people being unfriendly.  it came to the point where it felt like NOVA was not for

The Mormon women I know tend to be very enthusiastic people, but they are sort of limited in what they get excited about. It’s generally something that doesn’t involve swearing, drinking, sex, or other more “adult” interests. A lot of them end up getting obsessed with Disney and it becomes almost a weird identity

What’s the appeal of Disney to adults? Serious question? I know a lot of people who have honeymooned there or have no children and go there. Can someone explain this to me? Because the food is incredibly overpriced and not very good, and they don’t even have many good rides, especially what one would consider a thrill

OMFG STOP WITH THE WITCH HUNT BULL SHIT! Seriously. There was an ACTUAL witch hunt that happened here. It’s part of American History. 14 WOMEN WERE EXECUTED!

Under those circumstances should you lose your gun rights? I certainly don’t think so, but reasonable minds might disagree.

Maybe it’s time to accept that we’re just witnessing natural selection in real time and let them go down with their island?

They have to tell him he’s handsome and a good boy and affectionately ruffle his hair and diaper his enormous behind and generally give him the love mommy and daddy didn’t otherwise...

Actually, most of the “lowest rung of society” are your average poor white Trump voters. That’s why states like Alabama and Mississippi are on the ass end of just about every measurable metric and dollars they take, and high immigrant states like Florida, Arizona and California are not.

So you’re trying to take credit for something your ancestors did? That’s backwards as fuck, mate.

Hate? Who do I hate?

It makes sense that your process of gestation took place in someone’s stomach. You sound like a bleeding ulcer.

But...but...Susan Sarandon said Hillary was worse than Trump.

no you aren’t. in fact my ancestors that helped found this country wish you and anyone who thinks like you would just fuck off

Showing up and asking for asylum is literally how the system works. Like. That’s how you apply for asylum.

You sorry piece of shit.

Shooting a giant gun into a serene natural setting while talking about the importance of protecting life may be the most Republican thing I’ve ever seen. Amazing.

Maybe the DNC chose to focus on a candidate who had committed her entire career to the Democratic Party, rather than the guy who only became a Dem when he wanted their mailing list - and promptly dropped them when he didn’t get his way.

He’s too old and he won’t win the primaries, again. God forbid he actually runs, because you’ll have Berners strapping explosives to themselves at the DNC this time. Bernie will lose the same big population, big-minority states he did last time, no matter who he’s running against.