
My dog doesn’t like other dogs close to her.

But on the plus side, they’re very easy to discipline. All their mom has to say is, “Don’t forget what I did to the last teenager who talked back to me...”

If the Pope becomes this grumpy every time someone reminds him of all the people his institution abused, I feel like maybe he chose the wrong career?

No, his job needs to be forced to pay him a living wage.

Because they were never “pro life”; they were always “pro forced birth” and nothing more.

Alright, ardent “pro-lifers” where are your signs and your bullhorns? Where will you be marching up and down and shouting about precious babies that need protection?

His hand is not what she’s getting paid to hold.

It discontinues student loan subsidies.

Here’s a person of color who’s going to say that Cornel West is full of shit on this topic as he’s always been, and that Bill Maher was 100% correct on this.

It’s a dumb article that’s backhandedly trying to exonerate Cornel West from this idiotic argument and premise of “Hillary is just as bad as Trump (or worse) and would have been just as bad for black people”

Give me a break. West was wrong. He had a vendetta against Hillary that helped give us Trump. Hillary was not perfect, but we wouldn’t be looking at the destruction of healthcare for millions and be in a constitutional crisis.

Really? That is what you got out of this video? Maher (who isn’t even Clinton’s biggest fan) was trying to point out how idiotic West’s year long crusade that Hillary Clinton was just like Donald Trump was. And how West’s continued stance of clinging to a myopic political view is unhelpful considering the current

Now playing

I am just going to leave you here with this

If they did that, it would hopefully only be prospective, not retrospective; so people who signed federal loans in the past with that guarantee would be able to still benefit.

Seriously fuck all of those people who pretended that Hillary was worse than Donald.

Seriously fuck all of those people who pretended that Hillary was worse than Donald. Not only was she competent, she would have been a great president. The people who voted for this orange buffoon all deserve to suffer the consequences of their vote.

“But I just COULDN’T vote for Hillary Clinton”

Here’s the thing, I know some christians who quietly voted for him. They don’t care if he’s a phony and they don’t care if he’s the least righteous person ever. He was maybe not their first choice. But to them he represents a chance to stop abortion. They literally couldnt care less about anything else.

...but that’s already what’s happening. Federal funds (a.k.a tax dollars) cannot be used to pay for abortions. No one who is opposed to abortion is currently funding abortions. The wall, on the other hand, will be built with my tax dollars and there’s nothing I can do to stop that....what’s your point?

They don’t fucking believe abortion is murder. Ask them who they’d save from a burning building - a live baby or a tray of frozen embryos. Ask them if all women who get abortions should be given the death penalty. Usually they only want to jail the doctors and believe those poor women are just “misguided.”It’s all