

No, because that is a delightful movie, not a dumb movie.

Many of the conservative women are in fact christian and specifically in the evangelical camp. Most of the evangelical camp are single issue voters: anti-abortion. What rep a wants to make fair laws for genders and pay but is pro-abortion? No thanks. Rep b wants to remove women’s right to vote or decriminalize

Scroll past it. Use that technology.

Susan Sarandon is a BernieBot who was and remains comfortable not voting for Hillary because as a rich white famous person, none of this affects her in the slightest. Fuck her.

I watched her speak today. She looked poised, made self-deprecating jokes, referenced facts, and used words above a 3rd grade reading level.

Hillary: I take full responsibility for the mistakes my campaign made. Also, there were external forces that shifted the final vote.

So you believe you have the right to control women’s bodies and healthcare. Gotcha.

Just a question: Should people get access to medical care if you think the injury was the direct result of their actions? No medical procedure for your injuries if the patient was driving over the speed limit? No medical procedure if the patient used to smoke? No medical procedure if the patient was bungee jumping?

I’m shocked.

You aren’t required to like it.

I used an abortion to correct my irresponsible fucking, and since I wasn’t fucking you, I don’t give one single fucking fuck what you think about it.

Why shouldn’t abortion be used to correct the mistake of unsafe sex? If penicillin can be used for the same? Who died to make you hall monitor of parameters of mistake corrections?

Ok- so basically you are anti abortion. Just own it- you want to punish people for making decisions you do not agree with. Just be real about it.

All fucking is sport fucking, you dork — unless you’re Mike Pence apparently, when it’s done in the dark of night with multiple cardigans protecting you from any actual skin contact..

Why should you get to decide when someone is “allowed” to get an abortion?

Abortion is a private medical procedure, so it’s really not up to you or me to pass our personal morality onto a complete stranger.

The “justification” for an abortion is that the patient wants one, period. Your idea of what the “right reasons” (I can only imagine what those are in your worldview) for an abortion matter not one whit to anyone who is not you. Abortion is often PRECISELY for people who want to correct mistakes made in bed that

Came here expecting a comment from someone who wants a means test before people can f*ck, did not leave disappointed.