
Laurie Penny’s articles about Milo should be required reading:

YES that false equivalent shit. Drove me bananas after the election -- maybe we need to sit and listen to trump supporters, find out what they’re feeling and what they’re really angry about. BITCHES VOTED FOR A RACIST I THINK I KNOW WHAT THEY’RE FEELING JUST FINE.

This is the thing that drives me nuts and proves every single continuing Trump supporter is either a bad person or stupid. EVERYONE knows the GOP controls EVERYHING. His supporters STILL accuse everyone who is anti-trump of being butthurt by losing “so bad”. We could get a live feed of DT snorting coke off a corpse

This guy has been employed by Fox for the entire duration of their Obama Derangement Syndrome plus the whole of the last election and he’s only just realizing the place was hella racist?

All of which is an excellent opportunity to point and mock mercilessly all those Bernie bros and third party voters. It’s thank to you that we’re witnessing the end of the internet.

Not enough of a fuss has been made about Ivanka going to Berlin for the W20 summit. She has no qualifications to work in policy, international law or norms, diplomacy, or women’s rights. She has no reason to be the representative for our country, other than being the daughter of the president. She is not a fucking

1. It’s not like the Republican Party just started “messing with [her] community” after the election after promising to support trans rights.

2. If the “dealbreaker” for Caitlyn Jenner is “messing with [her] community,” then it’s pretty clear she’s totally cool with Republicans (or any political party) messing with a

Here’s the deal: yes, I did vote for Trump

Man, thank God we kept the Clinton family from increasing its personal wealth through the presidency, amirite, guys?

Oh god, such a dickwad. Though I’m not thrilled Bernie Sanders decided to get involved by throwing his weight behind the slightly leftier Dem candidate, Tom Perriello. (The slightly more moderate one, Ralph Northam, is our lieutenant governor and announced he was running around a thousand years ago.)

I could see her point re: discrimination if there was no way for white students to get extra help in calculus, but somehow I doubt that’s the case.

I am so over the Bernie Bros I hate them almost as much as non voters and Trump supporters

No joke, the cropped version of the dress at the top of this article is the first time I’ve automatically seen it as the “correct” way, which is blue and black. I always see it white and gold normally.


All of the above, man. The Bernie wing is not following Bernie Sanders own lead: everyone is so hell bent on an ideologically pure party that they’re spending their time just trying to shoot other dems for not being left enough.

There has been virtually no push for far-left/centrist unification since the election...

Basically Bernie bros are turning into the Tea Party on the left, and as a result will contribute to the many things currently fucking us all over.

In my town, it’s right next to the Abortionplex.

Congratulations for making a dumbass comment.

I'm giving myself an Adult Award this week because the other day I asked a guy out, he said he wasn't interested, we had a conversation about it, and now we're going to continue being friends and I feel good about it.