
As a Pagan, I co-sign your sentiment to cancel Halloween. This holiday belongs to us, and we’re not the ones dressing up like racist caricatures and doing stupid shit year in and year out. That would be the non-Pagan assholes who want a night of revelry while simultaneously telling all the real adherents that we’re

Neo-Paganism is down with all three of the example you mentioned. Plus you get to keep fun traditions like decorating eggs and trees.

But can they handle the Canine Clapback?

My dogs will sleep on the bed anytime it’s not “human night time”. During the day, it’s their fave nap spot, but the second we start making moves to really call it a night, they both skedaddle. Not sure why, they’ll stay put if a human wants a day time nap, but the night bed is apparently a whole different situation

OMG, yall are going to be bringing up Bill Clinton until the 2040's, aren’t you? Jee-sus, try and find an example that doesn’t involve the era of dial up internet.

I remember buying this album at the Virgin Megastore in Disney World during summer vacation, and thinking how wise and prepared it made me feel for my new life......in high school.

God bless the late 90's and the oh so thirsty pop scene of the time.

“Talk is Cheap” should be the mantra all media uses to describe these anti-Trump Republicans.

I’d also add that the general public is really ignorant. This applies regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic status- we really do have an under-educated, non-informed, and disinterested general public. Before I started working with them (originally retail, now I’m with the public library) if someone had asked me if

Man, I was feeling their angst before I even hit my teenage years. I was the weirdo in my fifth grade class for being obsessed with “Dreams” and quoting the lyrics at random. This news is so sad.

“According to Brown-Berry, the school also condescendingly claimed that the assignment was meant to get students thinking about why white people used to think that slavery was good”

But that’s the problem with liberals, we need to understand and empathize with where Trump voters are coming from. /s

Doges (dogi?) make everything better.

“He sounds like he’s a few steps away from killing someone.”

I sincerely hope he doesn’t, but if that awfulness comes to pass, it would be mighty ironic if it were his ultimate enablers (HIS PARENTS) who paid the price.

The problem is that Democrat and Republican voters react verrrry differently to political theatre. Republicans have a blind partisan loyalty problem that allows them to blot out any bad side effects to their politicians ruthlessly pursuing their goals- they’ll forgive them for freaking anything when it comes time to

Good on them!

I do hope the new owners continue to let the parks be parks though, and don’t sell out to let them become parking garages or condos.

And as long as we let them set and determine the course of the conversation, they’ll win. There’s a reason they’re focusing on the doctors, and not the women; going after the women is still politically untenable. Before the goalposts move, pro-choicers need to get in front of them.

Or we could post eye rolling Gifs

Was the genius commentator aware that this could be further used in defense of reproductive rights? I’m going to guess no.

Reading comprehension: try it!

THIS is what we need to hammer home when pro-birthers talk about the unborn and sanctity of life. Being truly consistent in a “pro-life” manner means treating each and every miscarriage as a possible murder- after all, “someone” has died. The goalposts of this debate haven’t moved yet, the American pro-birth movement

I’ve had some luck taking their viewpoint to it’s logical and horrifying conclusion; investigate women who miscarry and jail those who may have done something to cause it. Most pro-birthers I’ve told this to balk at the idea of forcing a woman who’s undergone a miscarriage to report it to the police, be interviewed,

I put sunscreen on my eyelids, but that’s because I’ve actually had mine burned-I’m a redhead who fell asleep once on the beach, and the shade I was in moved. Burned eyelids feel swollen, heavy, and tight, and you look high as shit. But they do provide endless entertainment for your more melanin gifted friends- “You