
Well, when you use “we” as a generalization, don’t be surprised when someone points out that it is in fact, not entirely accurate. Bill Clinton being used as some example of how hypocritical Democrats are is getting pretty weak as it happened so long ago that it no longer applies to an entire generation of voters.


What “we” do you speak of? I’m a lifelong Democrat voter, and I’ve never voted for Bill Clinton. Of course, then again, I’m only in my mid-thirties.

Seriously, if you have to reach back past a whole generation of voters to find a politician to hang around Democrat’s necks, you’re not making a convincing case.

This is what I was thinking. The SC may be anti-abortion rights, but it would still be a stretch for them so say that CPC’s have MORE freedom of speech rights then actual clinics.
Then again I’m applying basic logic to an issue where it’s most lacking, so who knows. :-/

This is all in line with her “do whatever it takes to get mine” approach to life. She thought a Clinton victory would secure her as head of the DNC for the next 8 years, so she crossed lines trying to make it happen. (Do I think the DNC “rigged” the primary? No, that’s dumb. Do I think they obviously favored one

If I’m mad at the DNC for anything, it’s for keeping her around. Like, how does she still have a job? She needs to be fired, and branded as politically poisonous, and never, ever be allowed near anything Democrat run at all.

It’s unbelievably disrespectful and cruel to the Rich family, who has made it very clear that they don’t want their dead son to be used as the face for some insane conspiracy theory. The fact that Brazile is going there shows how craven and selfish she is and just cannot be trusted. And the BernieBros supporting her

I’m going to have to add an echo here with another “Never.”

They will do whatever it takes to maintain a rabidly loyal base. That base will NEVER tolerate them expanding the government safety net, providing a pathway to citizenship, relaxing even a little on gay rights, reproductive choice, etc. You know what that base

Well now I think we’re talking about different groups of people. If folks aren’t a member of a church and have stopped attending Mass, they’re not the ones I’m talking about. I mean, they can call themselves whatever they want, but they’ve taken their membership and the power it holds out of the equation, which it

Ok, well you can just fuck right off with your Catholic elitism bullshit. Newsflash, no one religion “owns” a culture, and your assertion that one can’t experience Irish culture without being Catholic is hella insulting to all the Protestants, Atheist, Pagan, etc Irish folk out there. Ever thought that wars were

UGH. You know, I definitely don’t think Dems should put party before country like the Republicans do, but if we could have just a drop, just one freaking iota of the kind of party loyalty they have- like, WAITING UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION TO START SHITTING ON OURSELVES- that’d be great.

Mid-terms? Hell, we have elections next freaking week. Here in VA we have our governor’s race, and right now all the comments on the Democratic nominees’ page are from right wing assholes crowing about how corrupt the Democrats are. This shit could not come at a worse time. I don’t know who I’m more angry with- this

Sorry, I just don’t get or agree with what you’re saying. All the “cultural” events you’ve listed- first communions, baptisms, etc- are religious, not cultural. I mean, I get the want and need to participate in those rituals, I do, but there are ways to make them non-religious- I’ve been to weddings in the Bible belt

And what happens when the Vatican decides that it disagrees with what an individual church is doing? Does that one church have the right to decide how to preach, and which teachings take precedent? Or does it have to follow the Vatican’s decision? For someone who claims to be Catholic, you don’t seem to have a very

These are the types of questions I always throw in pro-birthers faces, cause I never get any good answers. So, are birth certificates just pointless now? Are we supposed to use OTC pregnancy tests or sonograms as the starting point for issuing SSN cards and citizenship papers? Can you deport a non-American carrying an

Everyone keeps bringing up Irish culture when trying to explain how the Church’s influence goes beyond religion, but to me that just shows how hollow their argument is- I’m of Irish heritage, I enjoy and participate in the culture, but I’m not Catholic, nor has anyone in my family ever been. (My extended family are

I’m sorry, but I’m still not seeing how that’s “Catholic culture.” Is there such a thing as an “ethnic Catholic”? There are ethnic Jews, because at this point their group identity has evolved beyond the religion. Can you really say the same thing about Catholicism? Was Irish culture influenced by the Catholic church?

What you’re referring to are different sects within a religion, of which Catholicism has none. One Church, one ruling body. So nope, try again.

I’m glad your individual church does good things, but do you really feel that outweighs or cancels all the terrible things the Church is currently doing all around the globe? Asking honestly.

So they’re cool with the Church running adoption agencies that refuse to adopt out to gay/lesbian couples? They’re fine with Catholic schools that fire unmarried pregnant employees while refusing to cover birth control in their insurance plans? They’re comfortable with the Catholic run hospitals that prolong painful

Um, the Catholic church literally has no variation. Individual churches can *try* and do their own thing, but if the Mother Church really disagrees and decides to step in, that’s the ballgame. The Catholic church is an institution, and institutions don’t really do variety. And if someone is Catholic for cultural