
Preach (heh)! I’ve never met a group of people as uncomfortable with their faith as “progressive” Catholics. Not a one of them has a good reason for why they stick with it, but damn, do they become defensive and mean when you call them on their bullshit. To a certain extent I feel bad for them because Protestant

Good luck telling that to the GOP.

The problem is the Bernie crowd is so focused on single payer and the stupid ass Medicare-for-all bill* that he pushed that they won’t hear that Republicans are going to cause the death of shit ton of Americans. They’re only going to hear which Democratic senators didn’t pass their purity test. They’re so hung up on

“He is, and has been, as influential as any news channel.”

What are his policy positions? Which bills did he specifically guide and help back? How has he shaped the Democratic platform?

I’m not arguing that Democrats should just shrug their shoulders at the whole mess- they took money from a sexual predator. What I’m

I just Cannot with the conservative outrage over Weinstein. I’m sorry, is he the head of a massive liberal media network? Is he the host of a popular liberal talk show on said network that we routinely get our news from? Is he the freaking head of our party that we voted into the Presidency?! NO? Then why the hell is

Eh, talk is cheap. Corker is retiring, he can afford to be honest. I’ll give Republicans credit for having a backbone when they actually start to vote against the shit Drumpf is doing- *while simultaneously trying to hold onto their seat.

*I see you, John McCain- cancer does not a hero make.

For real. I hope every would be democrat who stayed home or voted third party is as excited about this Supreme Court term as I am!
/s. So, so much /s.

“The Associated Press reports that Ohio is now considering an abortion ban that would charge doctors with a fourth-degree felony and the loss of their medical license for performing abortions on pregnant women whose fetuses test positive for Down syndrome.”

Ugh, be prepared for a rage stroke when you see the smug,

To all the trolls claiming this is somehow a freedom of speech bullshit issue: No one was asking them to inscribe “We love gay marriage and support it whole full stop” on the damn cake. They were asked to make a blank wedding cake. Refusing to make a cake that says “I love Nazis” is a false analogy because a) that’s

Nope, this is my line in the sand. I can understand how difficult it is within a party to get everyone to come together and agree on ways to move *forward* on issues- but this is moving backwards. Roe v Wade has been the law of the land for over 40 years, and anyone still literally stuck in the 1960's does not have my

Ooof, that was tough to watch. I’m going to be grateful, for the sake of my emotional baseline, that there is nothing like this in reality for my mother to take advantage of.

If a trailer can trigger these feelings, the film must be freaking powerful.

Arya is the death card. I love it.

So.....*when* he votes yes, taking healthcare away from millions of Americans, then can we say “fuck him”? Cause there were a few comments that had that sentiment when he was diagnosed, and the commenting community at large was all “Where’s your humanity?/ Have some sympathy/ This isn’t the place.” So yes, seriously

Torn on this. My general rule of thumb is let people do what they want religiously unless it impacts others *not* of that religion. Jewish Orthodox men demanding women move seats on airline flights and Evangelical Christians telling gays and lesbians to take their business elsewhere can fuck off. A face veil doesn’t

It’s reallly fucking frustrating that drinking the Israeli kool-aid isn’t addressed with the same anger/urgency as corporate welfare- another bipartisan problem. Any Dem that votes to punish American citizens for offending a foreign power should lose their damn seat.

Thank you, THIS! I’ve been stewing ever since I read the news, and the utter silence from the Left is not helping matters. I guess authoritarianism is only bad when Trump does it. #makeIsraelgreatagain

So where is the #resistance on this Israel shit? Just like corporate welfare, this drinking of the Israeli kool-aid is also a bipartisan problem, yet progressives seem to be turning a blind eye to it. I guess authoritarianism is only bad when Trump does it?

“This amounts to nothing more than fan fiction at this point and Martin HATES fan fiction.”

LOL, then Martin can finish the damn series and shut everyone up already. No pity for an asshole who is so lazy that he lets his story get told by those he hates. He doesn’t like it, he literally has all the power to change it.

Ugh, that sucks, and I’m so sorry to hear it. My neighborhood is super diverse, and we all know each other and get along great, which is in stark contrast to the “sterile” (what an accurate word to describe the feel!) white neighborhood of my KY youth. It makes me sad to think that the awesome community I’ve found

I had just heard about this before seeing your comment, and the whole thing is just so freaking awful. In between this and the shooting on Wednesday, NoVa has seen a lot of hate take physical form. This is a really great area- very open, loving, diverse, and safe. The violence happening around here lately makes my