
Huh, Playbill was trying to say that the people disrupting the show were paid protestors, but I think it’s safe to say that’s not true. Jack Posobiec is real....a real turd, a real asshole, a real jerkoff, but real, regardless.

Speaking of said turd, it’s pretty rich to call the obviously left-leaning audience members

“Their omission to even contest the results of said iq study is a tacit admission that said study has actual merits.”

*Sigh* Slate is not a science-based website. They included some choice quotes that undermine his premise, which you’ve very handily ignored, but the article’s purpose was to explain the resulting

“I posted that article, from Slate, a liberal rag like this site, because they were reviewing and admitting that the guy’s scientific study, which showed that those south of the border have lower iq’s than your average American, is actually true.”

No, they weren’t. The article is about how controversial the idea that

The article you posted is a non-scientific, 4 year old write up about how one man’s research caused a lot of attention, both negative and positive. Not really a smoking gun, dude. When you make a statement like:

“since the vast majority of illegal immigrants are from south of the border, they also have lower iq’s”


“But, now that you mention it, I have noticed white liberals seem to congregate in majority white cities/areas where there isn’t a colored person for miles...”

Now I actually am LOL. Sources? Please please please tell me which cities (not “area”, although that’s a great cover) meet your criteria- where you can both

“since the vast majority of illegal immigrants are from south of the border, they also have lower iq’s”

LOL, sources? The KKK and the Nazis don’t count.

Virginian here- back off of McAuliffe. He’s done a great job as governor, and if he was allowed a second term, I’d vote for him in a heartbeat. Maybe the reason Democrats keep losing is because of bullshit purity tests that wanna-be progressives give, thus splitting the party. Any Democrat is better than a Republican,

This lady is my living fantasy. I’m gonna head into Old Town in an hour or so for a Sunday treat, and I hope I run into him- if I do, I can check publicly shaming a Nazi off my bucket list, and if not, well, I’m still gonna leave with some delicious doughnuts.

I knew the loan forgiveness program was in danger, but goddamnit, just fuck EVERYONE who voted for that orange colored monster. My husband is in year 7 of the program, and it’s the ONLY way his loans are ever getting paid off, other than suddenly recieving a top Wall St. level salary, which ain’t happening. We just

You seriously misunderstand me; I’m talking legal grievances. You can complain about PP all you want, just like I’m complaining about CPCs, but this notion of “This goes against my beliefs therefore it can’t happen” has no legal basis. Now sure, you can call your lawmakers and try and change the law, but you can’t sue

“Beliefs trump facts (or at least they should)”

Oookay, I think we’re done here. I really don’t know what else to say to someone who doesn’t think that facts matter; why teach 1 + 1 = 2 if someone sincerely believes it’s 3? Why enforce speeding limits when someone sincerely believes 55mph is safe in a residential zone;

Fun fact: unless you are personally harmed by how your taxes are used, you don’t have standing to challenge them. As a Virginia resident, my tax dollars support Crisis Pregnancy Centers, something I’m very opposed to. But unless I go into one and receive false information that then leads to harm, I have no standing to

Not sure what your point is? We all have beliefs, and we’re all entitled to act on them accordingly; what we’re not allowed to do is make others follow our beliefs. They get to follow theirs.

“there are *some* people whose beliefs about abortion are in good faith, people who simply believe that “a person’s a person, no matter how small” and see no difference between abortion and any “other” kind of killing.”

Yeah, the problem here is it’s still their belief, not a fact society as a whole accepts. For

Hmm, I think you’re getting way too caught up in your own morality, and that it’s tripping you up when it comes to advocating for reproductive rights. You don’t have to like abortion. But you do need to come to terms that others have differing views, like myself. I honestly believe that life doesn’t begin until

No crucifying coming from me, I promise!

Ok, so having said that, I would just like to say that I have yet to hear from anyone who “likes” abortion; that is, I’ve never heard of anyone who think it’s something that *should* happen, just something that does. However, there are plenty of us who are morally ok with it,

I was so mad at the world when I got arrested. I ended up just paying a bigass fine cause it was my first offense (and I’m white), but the entire time I was in cuffs I was just so so pisssssed. When the main officer told us seriously that we were “criminals now”, it took everything I had not to roll my eyes. Like,

I wish women like her would take their own advice; shut up and go make me a sandwich. Preferably with extra mayo, cause this feminist needs those extra calories to deal with shit like this.

It’s so frustrating, because I agree with almost all of their policy positions (overturn Citizens United! Tax the rich!), but their “all or nothing” approach drives me up the wall. They want to hold the party ransom to their own demands, then get upset when centrist and moderate Dems aren’t their biggest fans. Bottom