
I am so nervous for Virginia, my state of residence! Right now we’re cool (Thank you, Terry McAuliffe!), but he can’t run again, and our Democratic base is currently being torn apart by Bernie and his goddamn brogressives. I’m knocking on wood that everyone comes to their senses and votes for WHICHEVER Democrat wins

Really? I’ve tried so hard to see it as black and blue, but the closest I’ve gotten is a very thin “Mayyyyybbe” when I tilt my computer screen like, all the way back. It’s white and gold, and my sleeping hours are 3am-11am, so idk what the hell anyone is talking about.

I use this exact toothpaste and can testify that yes, storing it that way will keep these ungodly messes from happening. It’s really not that hard, folks.

Heh, the schadenfreude has never tasted better!

“revealed that in her forthcoming book, she will tackle the role misogyny played in the election.”

Yeah, have fun with that. I know it, she knows it, most of her voters know it, but try telling that to any of the Bros and you’ll get a five paragraph long tirade filled with enough righteous indignation to make you

“I don’t know that the critics who may say that of me, if they found themselves in this very unique and unprecedented situation that I am now in, would do any differently than I am doing.”

Translation: Oh c’mon, you peasants, don’t tell me you wouldn’t take the opportunity to seize some [legally gray] power if your

I’m gonna have to print this out and keep it on hand to properly motivate me when the day comes to finally make a stab at cleaning out my Mom’s basement. The house was built by my grandmother, nobody has lived in it but my family, and we all have a “sentimentality” gene, so god know what all is down there. The last

Yeah, you’re right, which is why that percentage of my want is so low. At the very least though, he’d be around to be put on the list of “No help for these fuckers” aka the running list of climate change deniers who should be refused help when resources become scarce. Eat your bootstraps, jackasses.

The most frustrating thing about assholes like this guy is their age. 77? Goddamn it, he’s wrong, he’s gonna be proved wrong, we’re all gonna suffer because people like him were wrong, but he’ll be ash and bones by the time any of it comes to pass. It’s aggravating enough that a teeny tiny part of me (like, 3%) wants

Preach it. One of my (straight, white, liberal, male) friends has been on a real Maher streak as of late, with his favorite subject being those intolerant liberal college kids; you know, the ones that object to having openly awful human beings being given a platform to speak at their place of learning. He’s always

Heh, I work retail, and this last holiday season a woman complained about everything being too secular while a high school choir sang “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” upstairs, and “Polar Express” played on the TV screens. Her issue? Out of the 8 or so holiday themed gift cards, she had chosen the ONE that said “Holiday

I remember my extremely religious cousin citing Christian books, movies, and music as a sign of how persecuted Christians were. Like, “Outside of Christian book, music, and movies, everything out there is secular and not for us!” The best I could make of it was that she considered secularism to cover all other belief

Malls live on! 3 out of the 4 places I’ve lived in still have vibrant mall scenes- Miami has the awesome open air Sunset Place AND an indoor white interior mall (Dadeland.) The DC/VA suburbs have the multistory Pentagon City*, and shopping life in Lexington, KY still revolves around Fayette Mall. I dunno what all the

So glad we avoided a Hillary administration though, AMIRITE?

Seriously, who’s “the same” now, assholes?

THIS. Sorrynotsorry, but if someone who voted for Trump loses their healthcare, my only hope is that they go ahead and die before 2018 or 2020, so that they won’t be around to vote for the same dumbass shit again. Seriously, it doesn’t matter what awfulness Republican policies put those voters through, all they care

I’m off, but that’s just scheduling luck. If I was scheduled, there’d be no way out of it- part time retail leaves little wiggle room. I mean, my managers are pretty cool, but not that cool.

Since I’m not at work, I’ll just be working on getting through day 11 of nicotine withdrawal- because heart disease runs in my

I’m from the city over, Lexington, and I’ve always wished my hometown had followed Louisville’s example, because holy hell, is the racial segregation bad. I went to one of the “nice” elementary schools, and for kindergarten through 5th grade there were only 2-3 African American kids per class, and they were always the

I don’t think anyone can deny the newness of the progressive energy and expansion of its’ base; there may have always been people who felt “progressive”, but in terms of demanding politicians move to the left, the 2016 campaign was the first any of us saw of it. There wasn’t a peep about Obamacare and how it needed to

Well, if you’re still planning on voting Democrat, then my point of “you think you know better than the politician you used to like”, doesn’t apply to you- thank goodness! I was more referring to the “burn it down” sentiment expressed by many elsewhere in this comment section- which yes, is definitely being expressed.

Yup, and gotta love how they disregard the words of the politicians they actually *like* when it doesn’t go their way. Newsflash, yall: Bernie united with Hillary, Ellison is already standing with Perez, but keep on telling yourselves that you’re soooooo much smarter than the politicians who you were in love with two