

“Democrat governors do matter and ours is the perfect example of why voting for a not-perfect prog (Terry is very much like Clinton) is vital for keeping innocent people’s rights intact.”

Any would be voter that looks at a moderate Democrat and a far right Republican and decides

Lol, McCain has been down on his knees in front of Trump ever since the “I like guys that don’t get captured” moment. If he wasn’t gonna stand up against slanderous, personal shit like that, he’s never going to for anything.

Ted Cruz? Your insult literally makes no sense; I’m arguing against party purity. If you’re gonna resort to ad hominem attacks in lieu of an actual point, they should at least make sense/be clever. Reaching into your hat to pull out the name of the first Republican politician you don’t like is just lazy.

Thank you so much for completing the spectrum of political ridiculousness; I’ve been called a far left communist troll by extreme right wingers (The “red” of redkoolaid gave my communist leanings away, obv), and now I’ve been called a right wing troll by extreme left wingers. Meanwhile I’m over here like “Guys, kool

Well then, by all mean, please explain yourself. I know you’re not trying to prove me wrong, since I never stated Sanders wasn’t popular, and since you’re not stating that he’s the future of the party, or that he should have gotten the nomination, I really have no idea what the point of your post is. Generally people

“it seems like a term liberals use to distinguish themselves from some of those groups or anyone who’s ideological stringency prevents them from allying with or compromising with more centrist liberals.”

That’s actually a better summary than mine, IMO. Less to do with actual beliefs, more to do with how the players

Ok, well, this is where I’m gonna have to agree to disagree. And let’s be clear, Democrats like me are the ones doing the agreeing; we’ll vote for anyone, including any far left candidate that gets through the primary. Yall are the ones throwing a hissy fit when your candidate loses, and dividing the party. Sometimes

I......don’t see how this is relevant. Did I say he wasn’t?

Edit: Oh, I see, you’re saying he’s the future of the Democratic party. A) He’s not a Democrat, B) He lost the primary.

If your argument is the primary was rigged/the Democrats deserved to lose because they didn’t nominate Bernie, I’m out, because that’s the

I think you’ve deeply misunderstood me. I’m a Democrat, I have never voted anything but Democrat, and my friends jokingly describe me as “somewhere to the left of Che when he was hiding out in the jungle.”

Their beliefs aren’t what bothers me. I have an issue with the idea that party purity should come before victory-

Yes, you’ve described the problem facing the Democratic party very well. As much as I identify with the values of the far-left, I consider myself way too flexible to ever really be a member of the movement. At this point I’ll vote for anyone with a “D” in front of their name no questions asked, but for those on the

Well, I was trying to avoid saying his name, but definitely Bernie Sanders. Other than him, they seem to have a genuine love for Elizabeth Warren, and Keith Ellison and Kamala Harris are gaining popularity. Everyone else? I’ve been seeing calls of “Primary their asses!” everywhere. I agree with many of the values,

No, it’s a fair question, and given the relative new-ness of it, it’s also hard to describe. I would say a general hostility to all things “capitalist”- income inequality tend to be the main focus.  Again, it’s not that I disagree with any of their beliefs, it’s just that their priorities aren’t mine. A good example

I’m kind of torn on people like Claire McCaskill facing primary challengers. On one hand, yes, you are supposed to lock arms with fellow Democrats and obstruct as much as you goddamn can, Claire. Attempting to stop the Cheeto Commander should be the most basic of your duties. On the other hand though, she’s right to

“Thanks for the autism!”
-Me, to the nurse who gave me a tetanus booster last month. She was less than amused, lol.

I’ve heard this “logic” before, and it’s such bullshit and doesn’t hold up to the tiniest of scrutiny. Like, ok asshole, a fetus isn’t “my” body, but it’s inside my body, and last I checked, it doesn’t have squatter’s rights. Even if I entertained the idea that it’s a fully autonomous human being (which I don’t, but I

I had a beetle crawl down my left ear, and 24 years later, I still think it is still the absolute worse thing in the world to have happen. Six little legs. INSIDE YOUR HEAD.

Ugh, even just thinking about it again gives me the heebie jeebies.

“the right to life must take precedence over personal autonomy.”

I’ve never heard the debate summed up in a more depressing way. There’s an ugly word for human beings that we’ve decided don’t have a right to personal autonomy. If we don’t have a right over our own self, what do we have?

This is why I am so disappointed that I had previously misread that Jessica Lange, not Susan Sarandon, was playing Bette Davis. Lange would have oozed all over quotes like that.....I am just not sure Sarandon can pull off petty bitchiness.  (Though she did a damn good job at it this last election, ba-dum ching!)

“chief strategist Steve Bannon, who has proudly described himself as “Thomas Cromwell in the court of the Tudors.””

Well, in that case, I look forward to the day when Trump turns on him, and has him executed in a horrible fashion.

Seriously, do these assholes know nothing of history? SMH, why do I even bother

Someone, anyone, please tell me that someone has set this Nazi’s smackdown to “Cellblock Tango”. If not, please, please, please make it happen. I am an oldz and don’t do the Twitter.