
It was waaaaaaay too crowded for me to get anywhere close enough to see these celebrities, but I did get to shake John Kerry’s hand! The crowd parted for him as he was walking his dog, lol. (Cute yellow lab, if anyone is curious!)

Without going into what it means to be “feminist”, I support the organizer’s decision to break with these groups because it’s pretty clear that the anti-choice people would be coming just to piss others off. As an anti-choice group, they have nothing to protest- Drumpf has promised to sign any legislation that

This is an article admonishing the Girl Scouts. Shocking, that someone may offer up a better alternative to a group that has apparently has no problem endorsing a Trump presidency.

Calm down.

Well, they strayed from the National Organization then. Officially 4-H is non-religious, as the pledge shows.

This is an article talking about how the Girl Scouts, an organization supposedly dedicated to raising young women up, is marching in a parade for a proud pussy grabber. This is not a positive article, but a negative one, asking and wondering why and how such an esteemed organization can take part in such a thing. It

Oh that’s sad to hear! I’m from Kentucky, where the Girl and Boy Scouts are what good, God fearing folk enrolled their kiddos in. 4-H was seen as some weird, not quite society sanctioned, offshoot club.

I’m still proud that my original club chose the name “The Innovators.”

This is why 4-H is so much better. I know most people associate it with agriculture, but it has so much more. I’m from a city, and it was 4-H that gave me my first public speaking event (which I won), and also taught me how to give demonstrations, sew, cook, and lead others. These were all events where I saw boys

I hate this line of thinking- if we follow it through, it assumes that conservatives will stop being so racist, sexist, and xenophobic if the big bad liberals would just be nice to them! No. Racism is not caused by calling it out, sexism is not solved by silence, and xenophobia can’t be cured with kindness.

To be honest, I had not heard about that- any news from the Great North that makes it down here tends to be very positive and glowing. That being said, I’d still vote for him over Drumpf in a goddamn heartbeat.

I won’t lie, as an American, it’s been downright comforting to watch other first world countries have collossal fuck ups. It makes the list of countries to seek refuge in any pretty damn short, but as someone who came of age in the Bush years, it’s nice to know Americans aren’t the only ones capable of collective

This is pretty much verbatim what I told any would be third party voter before the election who said they were voting that way cause they hated the 2 party system. No shit, no one really likes it, but this ain’t the way to change it. I hope they enjoy trying to build their grassroots movement under the autocratic

You’re probably right, which is so depressing.

2020 will be Trump versus a weak sauce Democrat, like Cory Booker or Andrew Cuomo. This will not be a fun choice, but for anyone with a working brain, still an easy one. Except for those who don’t have a brain, who will have forgotten allllllll about 2016, who will pick

I will never stop harping on dumb-ass far left idiots who voted third party. Seriously yall, we live in a two party system. You can try and change it all you want, but randomly voting third party every 4 or 8 years on a national level with absolutely no local support is not the way to do it. Furthermore, if you’re

I live in the greater DC metro area, and while I would never watch the inauguration, I was considering joining the Women’s March. However, reading today that Trump is gonna replace the head of the DC National Guard with someone of his own choosing (at exactly 12:01pm on the 20th), makes me very, very nervous about

And if this shit law had been in effect 33 years ago, I wouldn’t be here, Blanton! That’s because my mother suffered a terrible miscarriage right around the 20 week mark, and if she had been denied proper care, like you fucks want to do now, it’s doubtful that she would have been able to conceive me a little less than

The best I can translate it (as someone who actually tries to listen to these fucks) is thus: “The Left bringing up issues of injustice and discrimination constantly and without end is why Donald Trump got elected. And if the Left doesn’t understand why we’re sick of hearing about them, and how you can talk to us

I hope Susan Sarandon is fucking pleased with herself now. So glad she and others saved Standing Rock from evil and corrupt Hillary.

Are you talking about Perriello? He’s lax on gun control, and freaking pro-life; hardly a progressive. I’ll never vote for someone who doesn’t believe I should have dominion over my own body.

I knew this was coming, but it still makes me sad. This is why the state hemorrhages young, intelligent citizens (like myself, and most of my classmates!) who migrate to better and brighter places. It’s like they want to become the next Kansas backwater.

I realized that when she goes (hopefully not anytime soon!) it’ll be the last time anyone says “God save the Queen” in my lifetime. Not that I have anything against William or baby George (sorry, Charles, but no one really likes you), but it made me a little sad, nonetheless.