
People who still believe in “moderate” Republicans blow my mind. I actually work with someone who apparently really believes that even if the House and Senate pass some awful version of Virginia’s HB2, Gillespie wouldn’t necessarily sign it. Denial- not just a river in Egypt!

I’m working on signing up with a voter

I wouldn’t say VA is still getting bluer; it had become bluer in the past because of the growth in the NoVa suburbs, which was made up overwhelmingly of young government employees hired in the Obama years. That trend can, and quite probably will, reverse to an extent. We’ll just have to wait and see how fast and much

VA narrowly went for Clinton, and that was a major presidential election, not an off year. Look, I hope you’re right, but I have the same bad feeling I did all last year when “I hope you’re right” was the most I could to say to everyone who said Hillary had it in the bag.

Enjoy the vetoes while they last. We have a governor’s race coming up, with our Lt. Governor running against a moderate* Republican in a “anything goes, except the establishment” atmosphere, where the outgoing Governor is a close ally and friend of the Clintons. (Not that that matters to me cause I’m sane, lol.

“Hillary (in a sign of weakness) stayed with her husband after multiple affairs and rape allegations”

Calling a woman weak, particularly for actions in a marriage, is classic sexism. There are many reasons one might stay in an unfaithful marriage, but to defer to the most stereotypical and archaic reason, is sexist.

You know, thank you for your honesty. I saw one of your earlier comments, rife with misogyny, and I thought “Holy shit, this guy hates women. He must be single. Or....” Your comment here confirmed my latter thought. I thought straight men were hateful, but damn, when yall don’t want to fuck us, you take your disdain

Isn’t it fun that liberals get the narrative “Be a grown up and accept the results, and also be nice to all the Trump supporters- it’s your elitism that alienated them in the first place”, while conservatives get “PC culture is over! Say whatever you want when you want! Fuck those libtards!” Good times, yall.

And if that fails, I’m down with Canada taking over and Justin Trudeau pulling double duty. It’d be the nicest invasion ever.

Where the fuck was I demanding gross exceptionalism??? Seriously, my original post could be summarized as “Well, sometimes great people did bad things. We should learn about both sides, though I can’t fault anyone for disliking them.” You are getting way too militant and worked up, and maybe need to take a deep breath

*All the hugs* Everything is ok in the end, and if it’s not ok, it’s not the end.

Don’t forget the batshit “BernieorBust” or the JillB4Hill” folks. I’ve already seen memes from so called progressives making fun of the Democrats for trying to blame our loss on Russia. (Ftr, I don’t blame the hacks alone, but do think they played a part.)

“while also saying that with this order, Edwards was trying to create “a new protected class of people that doesn’t exist in law.””

Oh just fuck off, right there. Really, try and be more clear that you don’t view LGBTQ folk as human. My god, the open and vitriolic hatred this election has enabled. 2017 is gonna be a

I didn’t condemn Jefferson (maybe you’ve got the Thomases mixed up- Thomas More is the one I can’t stand.)- but I’m not gonna make excuses for him either, like you’re trying to do. Sure, he wasn’t alone in his thinking, but he wasn’t locked in an echo chamber either. Plenty of the Founding Fathers abhored slavery,

The saying “don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater” comes to mind with people like Sanger, Jefferson, yeah, even Gandhi. They all contributed something to society that survives today, even though they had reprehensible views varying subjects. I think it’s important to remember and learn about all sides- we should

We all should have been better than this, and we weren’t.

Sums it up in a depressingly accurate way. From where I’m sitting, it looks like a perfect storm of circumstances, none of which would have succeeded on it’s own, that brought Trump to power. There’s the obvious effect of gerrymandering and voter suppression

“But what about a hot black woman vs. a church-going illegal immigrant?”

The illegal immigrant wins in this case. First off, most of the rabid Right would never acknowledge that a black woman can be hot, and if they did, it’d come with the caveat of “I bet she has a string of baby daddies.” Illegal vs. black can be a

I’ve doubled my monthly donation to PP, and am now investigating how I can volunteer for the Democratic candidate for governor here in VA. (Election is next year.) I’m mad, sad, and disheartened, but I will not take this shit lying down.

Any other suggestions for what nasty women like us can do to help keep our bodily

I think you meant to reply to Noble Renard? His comment was the one addressing claims of voter fraud- and while voter suppression and gerrymandering certainly played an outsize role, that’s not the same as “fraud.” (And they’ve been at that shit for awhile too- I remember watching my college classmates vote in FL in

I wonder how many people who support the recount and really think it’ll make a difference either didn’t vote or voted 3rd party. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are plenty of deluded voting Democrats taking part, but the feeling I’ve gotten is that the people who are really for it aren’t the most politically savvy

And it’s 1, 2, 3, what are we fighting for? Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn- next stop is freaking Iran. And it’s 5, 6, 7, open up the pearly gates! There ain’t no time to wonder why, whoopee, we’re all gonna die!

If there’s a more appropriate song out there for the shitass times we live in, let me know.