
I knew my mother had experienced a miscarriage before conceiving me, but it was only very recently that she revealed that she was over 4 months along when it happened, putting her squarely around that 20 week mark. I mean, I’m glad I got conceived (which wouldn’t have happened without that miscarriage), but damn.

*hugs* *more hugs* *ALL THE HUGS IN THE WORLD*

The world may have gone to hell in a hand basket, but there are still good people out there, my friend. Don’t say goodbye just yet.

Imagine going back in time to the 40's, 60's or 80's and trying to explain what Twitter is, and why the new POTUS is probably gonna start WW3 with it.

It’s true that sympathy is in short supply right now, which is why I’m saving mine for the people who deserve it- those who didn’t vote for this fuck cheeto with hair, but are going to get seriously screwed under him, regardless. Voted for Trump, and now you regret it? Fuck off, you get the government you deserve. God

Coming up, on the Daily Show 2026: Pedophiles are people too! Should that toddler have worn that dress? Let’s discuss!

I’m so demoralized about the state of America, but two things still rouse me to anger; the shit going down in NC with the governor’s race, and the fact that what SHOULD HAVE BEEN Obama’s next SC justice pick will go to Trump. Republicans pulled off a historical obstructionist maneuver, and not only did they get away

I had a pro-life aquaintence get really angry with me when I pointed out that only her side uses violence to get their way. She countered that “the other side does violence as well, inside their own walls”, meaning the women getting abortions. That’s how their brains work.

Duh, didn’t you know that only Democrats are supposed to concede (and gracefully, too) an election they lost? Republicans are supposed to fight tooth and nail. It’s the same way with speech- when conservatives call women sluts, and minorities slurs, they’re just exercising their freedom of speech. When Democrats point

Ok, that’s it, I’m done. If you really can’t see that RACISM played a huuuuuuge part in this election, there is nothing else to say to your spoiled racist self. (Try and tell me you’re something other that white, just try.) Turnout was down because people like you kept saying she was just as bad, thus dividing the

People like you keep saying they’re the same.......but not a one has been able to say HOW (example: are you saying Hillary would have created a National fucking Registry of people based on religion? Spoiler alert: NO). You keep using the word “same.” I do not think it means what you think it means.

No, what you said was that Hillary’s moderate and centrist stance wasn’t enough to combat that crazy ass racism and xenophobia that has been running wild. This has nothing to do with *policy*, which was what I asked. (This is where I point out that no 3rd party voter has been able to explain in POLICY how Hillary

Thank you for doing this for me.

If you honestly thought the 2nd Amendment was in danger of being overturned under Hillary, you are fucking insane.

You helped this happen, and every time you complain about Trump over the next 4-8 years, I hope there will be a voter like me to remind you that your own stupidity and selfishness led us here. But at

I ask how Hillary’s policies would have been worse than this shit, and all you got is “Well, angry people would have been angrier?” Fuuuuccckkk you. You know what would have made those angry people less angry? Not electing Obama in the first place. That’s the lesson you’ve drawn for me, right? That minorities and

Oh, they’re both the same? You are a special kind of selfish. On behalf of my neighbors- the African American ones who fear police brutality even more now, the Ecuadorians and their little boy who fearfully confessed to me that his cousin “isn’t an American”, the Sudanese Muslims who’ll be put on some national

Tell me how Hillary would have been worse than this, or go the fuck away.

I saw some cameras outside of the Newseum, but I thought it was just another news report. If I had known she was inside, I would have dashed out the car to give her a hug* and tell her awesome she is.

*And promptly be tackled by security. But it’s the thought that counts.

But I’m so glad we didn’t elect a lady who doesn’t know how to email well.


Anti vaxxers 3rd party voters are selfish, misinformed and / or willfully ignorant assholes.

Sorrynotsorry, that opening was just too perfect.

Yeah, I might buy into this “Sympathize with white voters” BS if they were at all actually marginalized. But seriously, what institution of power do they not already control? Government- nope, all three branches are pretty damn white. Military? Nope, white again. Fortune 500 companies? Wall St? White territory. But