
This. This is what I’ll be saying to every smug SOB that parroted that godawful and utterly false line.

Bevin makes me cry for what he’s doing to the beautiful Bluegrass state, especially with that Ark nonsense.  My husband and I keep talking about moving back someday, but each election makes that “someday” look like “never.” On the other hand, we’re about a mile from the DC border, which means that hate filled sack of

While you may be right about the causes of Tuesday’s defeat, I’m not entirely sold that treating racism with kid gloves is the way forward for the Democratic Party. I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but the SNL skit of Black Jeopardy that aired shortly before the election hit the nail on the head- the blue collar white

The lack of concern about the outright racism from so called progressives and otherwise sane folks is truly disturbing, as is the idea that the rest of us are to blame for not making all the racists feel welcome. There’s some meme going around that hits the nail on the head, saying “I don’t like coffee” is totally up

My extra condolences to you on the State House being taken over. I’m originally from KY, with many friends and family still there, and an unbridled Bevin scares the crap outta me.

I hate the electoral college as well (Thanks, you racist ass Founding Fathers), but the simple fact is that the last two candidates who have been felled by it were Democrats. I don’t see a Republican Congress and President voting to get rid of it. Le sigh.

I love how every single freaking 3rd party voter who responded to this completely ignored my question of how Clinton’s 100 days would have been worse, and instead replied with “How dare you use your freedom of speech to criticize my very questionable judgment!? Democracy means you can’t question my choices!!!!” Oh,

For the next four years I’m gonna be playing a game called “At least it’s not Hillary!” to every single dumbass person I know who voted 3rd party when they complain about Trump. Especially in two years when there’s another election, and they are no fucking where to be found.

BUT IT’S BETTER THAN HILLARY, amirite 3rd party voters/non voters??????

Plz don’t respond unless you can detail how Hillary’s 100 days would be worse. Have fun with that assignment.

You could be bleeding out in front of me, have proof that we’re the same blood type, and you’re *still* not allowed to have a single drop of my blood without my consent.
You could be dying of heart failure in the hospital, have a patient in the next room with a perfectly healthy heart that matches die, and you’re

I think, at least for actors, that it’s difficult to get into a character’s headspace and give a good performance if you’re a selfish and narcissistic, as many conservatives are. The whole idea of acting is becoming someone else, and trying to see the world through a different set of eyes. Empathy is key, which is why

Dobby is a free house Dobermann, which is why he’s currently disregarding my command of Wingardium Leviosa.

Haters gonna hate, witches gonna fly.

Happy Samhain and Halloween, everyone!

Then come be your run of the mill Pagan! No ceremonies, no rituals, no busybodies telling you that you’re doing it wrong- just 8 days a year where you can get off of work and may or may not be inclined to cook a traditional meal. I’m lazy AF, but fairly spiritual, and solitary Paganism has been a good fit.

I definitely got crap for being Pagan in several of my jobs. My first job was at Sears in like, 2000, and I don’t remember how, but at some point it came out that I was Pagan. One of my co-workers brought it up in front of several customers, and joined them in telling me how wrong I was. One woman told me that “you

Oh hell yes. It was a sad moment when I realized that my cousin could be considered “Asian”, but never ever “white”, despite being half of each. I had not stopped to consider how exclusive the label was till then.

Seriously! I’ve had two chemical pregnancies (test comes back positive, and then a few days later I start bleeding), and I definitely don’t consider myself a mother who lost two kids because that’s fucking ridiculous. But if you follow the crazy ass logic these people use, not only did I indeed have two children die,

The first time my cousin (who is half Thai) came to visit, someone seriously asked if he was adopted when I introduced him. He still gets shit for having a heavily German surname while obviously not being 100% white. Smh.

My little sister had a hard time sleeping by herself, and it went on until she was 7 or 8. My parents never locked her door, but they certainly locked theirs. After a few weeks of Mom and Dad’s door being shut, and a cranky older sister who was not in the mood for that shit, she got the message.

Good luck!

Stay safe, everyone! I made the dumbass decision to drive a few blocks once in a Category 2 (I think it was Wilma), and it was the scariest crap ever. No visibility, debris all over the road and on the windshield, and winds strong enough to feel through my little Nissan Sentra. Nature does not mess around, I hope