
So basically...men are uncontrollable rapists who will use every opportunity to assault you and you should have known that you stupid, stupid girl. But also, don’t be so mean and think all men are rapists. Obviously, calling out a man’s deplorable behavior is just as bad as the behavior itself.

Why do we do this to women who come forward? Fucking bullshit man. And now we have a President elect who openly brags about sexual assualt. The impact is going to be exponential if it wasn’t alreadt. Brb going to jump off a cliff

Increasing the size of the military is not “supporting our soldiers.” As stated in the article, we have hands down the most dominant military in the world. If anything, spending on weapons systems could be decreased with no detriment to our lead over the rest of the world. I’d prefer to see a massive increase in

At this point, Trump doesn’t need to bolster our defenses all that much. If he increases military spending then it needs to be for ensuring our troops are taken care of when it’s needed most; proper equipment when they’re in the field and proper care when they’re needing it from the VA for physical and mental

“so strong and powerful and so respected, we’re not going to have to nuke anybody.”

It’s almost as if Tyler Rogoway came back and wrote this.

‘Gold-plated’ is speaking THE BEST language. Gilded shit is porn for trumpet.

Excellent analysis, but I must impress upon you the importance of a very, very careful final proofreading.

Your end product bears the marks of being restructured without complete section deletions...

Although well meaning, Trump’s emphasis on manpower could turn out to be an albatross dangling around the Army’s neck.

It got a really bad rap because of the “survival” challenges, though I’m not really sure why since they had very similar challenges in SSX3. I really liked them personally because they really changed up the play style in a way that really kept it from being too boring. Kilimanjaro though (if I remember correctly) was

I agree with you, but can you imagine if they only taxed US automakers? Suddenly your chevy cruze cost thousands more than a comparable corolla or civic. Talk about a death sentence.


1st gear: could Mexico come out ahead with a Trump presidency?

Aww, no news about the Chevy Bolt winning Motor Trend COTY?

I don’t blame him. They haven’t yet invented a cure for Sack-in-Mouth disease, despite Mike Pence’s best efforts.

It’s the collection of the 4 singles that came out in July and August.

What an interesting concept! I halfway wish it was a first person narrative (I do love me an unreliable narrator),but this excerpt has definitely piqued my interest.

Sonic Original Trilogy, S & K, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Advance Trilogy, Shadow the edgehog (gameplay wise), Sonic Rush, Rush Adventure, Sonic Unleashed (day stage wise), Sonic Colors, Sonic Generations...all of these range from decent to amazing, you just obviously never played them.

I know. I might have to start watching that show.