
Like, I kinda see a Funko Pop! vinyl figure (teacup) from this.

Curse you, Menken, for hitting me right in the feels this early in the morning.

I like that in the painting they flash at the beginning, it emphasizes that the price was like 11 when the curse hits him. He is portrayed as a teenager in the torn up cartoon painting but the story puts him at a preadolescent, which is hella young for some witch to condemn him for not inviting someone inside (plus,

I find it creepy, however I think it’s ingenius to have the mouth and eyes be painted on, much like a porcelain design.

I’m...fine with that actually? It’s one of the more complete stories after all.

what’s not to like about a horny Dan Stevens?

Huh. Expected to see more racists stuff mixed in. I’m pretty sure this is what they’re teaching down at your local mega-church.

A Göbbels or Streicher for the 21st century, in plain sight, elected to a position of massive authority. The loony hard right is about to crack its whip across the back of America.

The NBA shitshow sequences are the most entertaining part of Deadspin. Awful basketball is truly hypnotic.

Anybody else secretly hoping Trump fucks everything up so much everyone looks back and collectively say “wow, 48% of us were really really dumb, lets never do this again?”

Some of my Brietbart favs were..

I feel like if we pool our outrage we can force Steve Bannon out of his position. Like we can’t let this die. If Van Jones has to resigns, this piece of shit needs to immolate himself on the steps of the capitol building.

But...the Sailor Moon one DOES use the original voice actresses. That’s definitely Stephanie Sheh and Michelle Ruff.

Because that would actually be funny and relevant.

They already did that joke with Dragon Ball Z.

My Grandfather waited his whole life for NRG eSports to win a North American Championship. Sadly he passed away last year.

Hey man, I want to give you all the stars for the F11 M5. Best car in this thread right next to an SLS AMG. Love the spec you want - Moonstone over Amaro. That imaginary car has been in my head since the M5 came out. I’d just go for San Marino Blue myself, probably.

Came here to say the same.

I’ve been there! Summer of 1991, after a full season of high school tennis, a full summer of teaching clinics, and playing on our club’s traveling team, I signed up to play in the club mixed doubles championship with a partner I wanted to score more than tennis points with.

This is nothing: my head’s still spinning from the cricket article the other day.